I Could Save You Baby, But It Isn't Worth My Time: Amanda Palmer

Feb 23, 2009 00:00

Where do I even begin to tell you about the Goddess that is Amanda Palmer?

She is 32, the lead singer, pianist, and lyricist/composer of the Dresden Dolls as well as a solo artist.

I have too many pictures, and my words could never do justice anyway- so I'm just going to intersperse the pics randomly with my favorite Amanda quotes!

"I'm bisexual, but it's not the sort of thing I spent a lot of time thinking about," Palmer said. "I've slept with girls; I've slept with guys, so I guess that's what they call it! I'm not anti trying to use language to simplify our lives."

Q: how many times, if any, has an obsessive compulsive fan scared the shit out of you? A:never. it’s really hard to scare the shit out of me. and my fans are really nice. sometimes they CREEP ME OUT, but that’s different.

Q:is there anyone that you get all fangirly about, and if so, who? A: i have yet to meet morrissey and robert smith. i had the chance to meet the mozzer, and i said no. too risky. because what if he sucked? robert….i have no words. i’d freak.
and i also have harboured a life-long emo crush on conor oberst.

"i still refuse to play the piano fully clothed"

"We're possessive and jealous like lovers, without the obvious silver lining that carries most lovers through the night. This relationship is one for the fucking books, I tell you....it'll take them years to figure out what actually happened. We barely know ourselves. "

"I actually tend to like really femmey girls,"

"there’s no end to the love you can give"

"whatevs. at least i don’t have to work at a bank or suck dick for a living. jesus. -i’ll stop my bitching, now."

"You can deconstruct this with armchair psychology and really nail me, but I like girls about my body type and about my mix of masculine and feminine."

" love comes and goes in all sorts of forms and ways.
nothing is lasting. everything is returnable with a receipt. "


"i had my heart broken, mostly, i think, because i needed it to be so i could fix it and feel my own blood pumping."

"...he must be from a similar planet. he grew on me. " ( about Ryan Ross)

"sometimes i feel like a complete paradox. some people assume that i am this self-confident woman full of purposeful direction. but it's all relative. some of the most convincing arguments are borne of clever
overcompensation. "

"The truth changes the moment we utter it....we edit, we rethink, we press 3 and erase and record again...trying to find the perfect words. "

"I should tattoo “don't post under the influence of less than 5 hours sleep in a 48 hour period” to my left hand"

"i just wanted to make out with her.
ok, and maybe tie her up with gaffer tape. " (speaking of Katy Perry)

"i wrote a good new song today. for the first time in ages. that's why i'm allowing myself to whack off in front of the computer all evening."

"well. i am full of feelings today, but i am not going to talk about them. fuck it. "

"2009 will be the year we fucking wake up from history, my friends."

Most of the quotes were taken from Amanda's blog -which you should check out.
Also check out Amanda's Wiki it's a very good one - lots and lots of info.
There's a very good article/interview here


Who Killed Amanda Palmer video series- guh!

image Click to view

Still one of the funniest things I've seen :D

image Click to view

Write Amanda/Katy fic nao plz! :P

Just To Really Feel It ~ Amanda/Panic at the Disco by oohburn
"He loves Jon, Spencer and Ryan. He knows he can trust them with the control he gives them.But there's something about giving a girl that kind of power." AKA "Amanda Palmer-Taking over the world with a strap-on one rockstar at a time."
Go read that - and then WRITE MORE LIKE IT!!!

Modern Grrrl ~ Amanda/Jamia by gonnafeelgood
Amanda and Jamia are riot grrrls ! \o/

Ne Me Quitte Pas~ Amanda/Ryan bylucentvictrola
inspired by entries in Amanda's blog- very lovely

Echoing ~Amanda/Brendon by turnyourankle
short delicious porn ficlet
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