Welcome to day three- starring the incredible Miss Great Salpeter of the Hush Sound
From the Official Hushies site:
Birthdate: FEBRUARY 12th (1988) bb just turned 21!
Height: 5'4"
Knows sign language. (But don't we all?)
Is learning how to belly dance. Her instructor is one of the awesome Lucient Dossier girls on tour with Panic!, Katie Kay. (That was years ago Greta, show us your skills!)
Has amazing curly hair, but chooses to straighten it. And in some cases, irons it.
Every band has a signature short person in it. That would be Greta for the Hushies.
Also interested in dream interpretation.
One snazzy girl in her awesome little dresses she wears on stage.
Sometimes plays guitar in the band.
Georgia O'Keefe is her idol. She thinks you should google her.
Really really really likes Chopin. I think you should google him and I'm sure Greta will agree.
Wikipedia:Greta Morgan Salpeter (born February 12, 1988) is the pianist and one of the lead singers for the band The Hush Sound. Since the age of 2, she has been a classically trained pianist. She first met guitarist/vocalist of The Hush Sound, Bob Morris, when watching Monsters, Inc. with mutual friends in 2001 [1]. The two started playing together and created The Hush Sound, later recruiting Chris Faller on bass and Darren Wilson on drums. She graduated early from Benet Academy in 2006 in order to tour on the Black Clouds and Underdogs Tour with Fall Out Boy and The All-American Rejects.
isn't she cute?
Greta can look soooooo sweet and innocent
but don't be fooled~
She's a big goofball
A REALLY big goofball
She knows your secrets and she's not afraid to use them against you ! :p
but she is demure and innocent ... hahahahahaha....
she's such a serious girl
so serious
and she's watching you!
she's often very silly
Greta has SO much canon with nearly ALL of bandom. It's not even funny. Where is all the epic Greta fic ? hmm? Where is all the slut! Greta fic? Come ON you guys!
She actually does have the most fic of any bamdom girl not married to MCR, but still - the world needs more :D
A lot of my favorite videos are gone because of the FBR/youtube war but here are a few (vimeo is much better quality anyhow - they should just move the whole shebang there :P)
You can watch this video on www.livejournal.com
"Medicine Man" by The Hush Sound from
Andrew Bowser on
You can watch this video on www.livejournal.com
The Hush Sound - Hurricane (Live) from
Mallika on
Nice live clip ~ Greta is stunning on stage
Click to view
Peta's second sexiest female vegan of 2008 :D (she lost to Alyssa Milano D:)
Click to view
An older, but still awesome interview/performance
I have to admit I have a special love for Greta/Brendon - so much so that I may have talked myself into writing Freaky Friday-ish Greta/Brendon genderswap *facepalm*
This is not by any stretch ALL the Greta fic there is, just some of my most favorite:
Spin Your Body Around ~ Greta/Brendon by
neverneverfic Brendon goes down :D
Rills That Run With Honey ~ Greta/Brendon by
thepouncer Greta reached out, tugged Brendon inside, and said, "This better be worth interrupting my bath."
Lead Me To Callin' You ~ Greta/Brendon by
belle_bingBrendon and Greta have accidental phonesex - hot and adorable
A Thousand Dreams That Would Awake Me ~Greta/Chris/Patrick by
freakster_beast"He plays better when he's turned on," Greta explains, as if that made any sense whatsoever. "And he's going to shut up and stop complaining about it if he doesn't want to be punished."
Warnings: D/S, pegging, double penetration, cock rings (Now THIS is the right idea ~ moar plz!)
Panic Loves Greta! ~Greta/ PATD by
vixalicious Panic loves Greta. Stupidly.
A Twist in the Fabric, A Knot in the Wood~Greta/Alex G by
falling_words Alex is a vampire. -told from Greta's pov - lovely
I Never Said I Wasn't a Disaster. (And if I Did, I Lied)~ Greta/Alex Greenwald by
delicatelightGreta had slept with exactly three boys in her life. None of them had especially rocked her world, either. She kind of thought maybe it was her fault, maybe she was too inexperienced or something, or was just plain bad in bed....
Two days later, Greta had a Plan. It was a stupid plan, but it was a plan.
The Lines You Amend ~ Greta/Brian Schecter by
harriet_vane Everybody knows what this one's about , right? -
A Rose Is A Rose ~Greta/Jon by
seimaisinlibrarian Greta has a secret admirer! -more adorable than a box of kittens :D
Flowers In Her Hair; Flowers Everywhere ~ Greta/Patrick by
sometimes_whyPatrick is shy - Greta is not :D . lovely, romantic and SEXY !
Gazing at the Distant Lights ~Greta/VickyT by
tamcranver The Prince and the Pauper AU!! ~Epic!
These Elegant Crimes~Greta/Gerard/Frank by
tuesdaysgone Gerard Way inherits a title and a seat in the House of Lords and decides to Save Lives Through Legislation. He also paints portraits, collects strays, and occasionally commits felonies in his spare time. A Victorian AU.
~Also very very EPIC!