(no subject)

Mar 24, 2004 20:02

Little survey stolen from onewingedhyu

-My name is: Reina

-nicknames: slave_monkey, moogle, reiny, pet, bitch,
-sex: yes please

-birthday: May 12

-color: grey
-star sign: taurus
-place of birth: manila philippines
-current residence: toronto canada
-hair color: black

-eye color: black
-height: 4'11
-writing hand: Right


-do you bite your nails: Yup
-can you roll your tongue: Yes.. .
-can you blow smoke rings: I don't smoke
-can you blow spit bubbles: Eww.. no
-can you cross your eyes:yes
-tattoos and where: Nope
-do you make your bed daily: thats mum's job
-what’s sexiest on a guy: Another guy or me
-what’s sexiest on a girl: Nia
-do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it: neither I eat the damn thing

-what utensils do you use eating pizza: hands

-do you cook: no


-how often do you brush your teeth: Twice a day
-do you shower/bathe: well duh
-how long do these showers last: 20 mins

-hair drying method: Comb it and blow dry
-do you pee in the shower: o.O

-what color is your bedroom: pink and green

-do you use an alarm clock: Nope
-name four things or people you're obsessed with: slash, jack davenport, livejournal, food
what’s your sleeping position: on back
what kind of bed do you like:water beds
in hot weather do you use a blanket: i use a harry potter blankie
do you sleepwalk: no
do you talk in your sleep: i nod and shake my head when asked a yes or no question
how about the light on: just a wee nightlight
do you fall asleep with the TV or radio: both


had sex: never

watched bambi: never
cried: yes sunday
talked on the phone: yes...
read a book: Midnight Falcon by David Gemell .


is music important to you: Extremely important
do you sing: I sing.
what instruments do you play: Alto Saxophone
what do you think of Eminem: I just like the lyrics
in your opinion what band is the best of all time: Three Days Grace


pop music: depends

rock music: LOVE
rap music: hate  
hip-hop/RB: hate
country: its okay
jazz: yes
classical: i love it
new age: yes

hardcore: LOVE
indie rock: Yes
emo: no
Game: Mmmm of course

-WITH THE Opposite sex

What do you notice first? face
Do you have a crush on anyone: Jack Davenport.
Easiest to talk to: Brian my moogie


Could you live without the computer? No,

What’s your favorite fruit? mangoes
What hurts the most? Physical or emotional pain?: Emotional
Trust others way too easily? No, I do not trust easily at all


Of times you have had your heart broken? 3
Of hearts you have broken? ...nope... I'm always the victim....well.....MICHAEl...once
Of girls kissed? none...........yet........well...unless you count my mom and lina's mom
Of boys kissed? 2

of drugs taken illegally? 0
Of tight friends? 4
Of CD's owned? don't make me count

Of scars on my body? none.. except the lightning bolt on my forehead....


I know: crud
I want: jack davenport
I have: nothing

I wish: for Jack Davenport's extra proportions
I hate: homophobes
I miss: the rest of my family
I fear: the boogy monster

I hear: voices in my head

I love: certain things
I ache: when I have my period

I care: crud
I always: think dirty thoughts
I cry: where no one can see me
I write: a lot of things, smut and celtic myths
I confuse: everyone around me
I can usually be found: on my livejournal
Have you ever played a game that required removal of clothing: required no. felt like removing it yes.

-ARE YOU A...-

Wuss: yes ::runs::
Druggie: nope
Gang member: nope
Daydreamer: Absolutely
Alcoholic: i have a low tolerance
Freak: go figure
Brat: Yes

Sarcastic: no
Goody-goody: a bit...only at school
Angel: Not really
Devil: Not really
Friend: I dunno ask the creepy people I hang with

Shy: not shy...bitchy
Adventurous: yes
Intelligent: hell no.


Your best feature [personality]: Creativity
Most annoying thing you do: ramble about slash

Biggest mistake you've made this far: going out with the freaks I do.
Describe your personality in one word: useless
A smell that makes you smile: cake
A city you'd like to visit: Surrey England
A drink you order most often: Coke
The music you prefer while alone: Three Days grace
A TV show you watch regularly: Biy meets boy...well world
You live in: A townhouse in the toronto suburban area.
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