i want to call the attention of everyone who has a heart...
as you may or may not know, the A.V.M.A. [american veterinary medical association] is now supporting the practices of forced molting of laying hens and metal gestation crates with pregnant sows. these gestation crates are so cruel it's not even funny. gestation crates are narrow, miserably uncomfortable, concrete-floored stalls that keep the sow from being able to take two steps in any direction or turn around. sows are spending their 5-6 month life in this tiny barren prison.
if you don't know what forced molting is, it's when the "producers" starve their hens [the loss of 25-35% of their initial body weight] in order to increase egg production. 75 to 80 percent of the layer industry in the U.S. does this. even after learning that it renders their immune system and causes a health risk towards consumers.
you might think, whats point am i trying to make? you've heard of animal rights being destroyed before. just another problem in todays world. the thing is YOU CAN DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT! contact your state's AVMA representatives immediately to let them know that you care about farmed animals and that you hope that they will speak out against the use of gestation crates and forced molting.
what you can do.
someone asked me the other day why i cared about animal rights so much. they stated, "why even care?" "they are going to be killed anyway". and i answered him with another question stating "how would you feel if a stronger, more intelligent race came to this earth and tortured us like this for food?".