2020Hindsight: I have a girlfriend. Please don't ask me how this happened. I don't know.
2020Hindsight: It just sort of did.
2020Hindsight: She's very nice.
Chosen point5: You treating her right?
2020Hindsight: Well, she sticks around, so I would assume so. I missed the whole 'dating and hormones' thing, so -- uhm -- it's -- I dunno. Nice?
Chosen point5: how old is she? Too young to be dating a twenty year old of too old for a fifteenyear old?
2020Hindsight: She's -- uhm, well, this is the thing. She's not human.
Chosen point5: ...demon?
2020Hindsight: So trying to apply our limited perception of age is sort of -- yes exactly.
Chosen point5: but she's still happy to be rutting with a fifteen yr old human's body
2020Hindsight: She knows very well what I am, and her I. The vessal isn't much. She's sort of made of light.
2020Hindsight: She went on this spiel about champions of light and I tolf her i wasn't Angel, and that she was talking to the wrong Fray.
Chosen point5: Better not be sunlight
2020Hindsight: No.... well, I think it's more ethereal light.
Chosen point5: huh
2020Hindsight: I can't really explain it. But she's pretty when she's all pixie dust.
Chosen point5: pixie dust is often pretty, yeah
2020Hindsight: 'Course, she's pretty when she's not pixie dust. She -- just -- I wish she'd settle on one face and body someetimes.
2020Hindsight: I go to bed with one woman. Wake up with another.
2020Hindsight: It can be kinda confusing. But, boredom is never a problem!
Chosen point5: Jesu, how come you get the sex, and the shapechanging pixie girlfriends and I'm stuck clearing out the warrens?
2020Hindsight: The sex is kinda difficult. She tends to loose form when excited. So it's not all wine and roses over here.
Chosen point5: you want variety, you should come with me round the warren sometime.
2020Hindsight: Because i'm so popular with the warren. Especially it's women.
Chosen point5: you pay well enough, they won't care
Chosen point5: 'sides, I'll vouch. Got respect round here. Spun, isn't it?
2020Hindsight: I don't pay. I'm not even sure why she's sleeping with me. The whole sex thing is kinda lost on me.
Chosen point5: 'cause your body's fifteen, kiddo.
2020Hindsight: Isn't that when the hormones start saying hello?
2020Hindsight: Eh. I'm not worried about it.
Chosen point5: heh. You're stuck with hormones forever. Sucks to be you.
2020Hindsight: Meh. It's just confusing. Makes me consider fasting some days so I don't have enough blood to run anything but what I need running.
2020Hindsight: ...that was a TMI.
2020Hindsight: So, subject change. Erin: She married yet?
Chosen point5: it really was.
Chosen point5: ha. she's still not cottoned on
Chosen point5: wish you could see the way he follows her around. it's adorable.
2020Hindsight: It also meant that somewhere theyre revoking my man license -- but, no? Well, too bad. Somebody has to give you nieces and neph-- oh for jesu's sake. Tell him to grow some stones and rut the girl.
Chosen point5: I'm gonna tell her before too long. Didn't think she could be this dumb
Chosen point5: and yeah, I'm desperate for nephews or something here.
Chosen point5: maybe I should just lock them in her apartment or something.
Chosen point5: makes me almost wish she'd get nearly killed again. He was THIS CLOSE last time.
2020Hindsight: Sigh. Sorry, can't raise an army from over here.
2020Hindsight: Am on the wrong side now. Woe. We are short of funds and people.
Chosen point5: Y'need funds? I could convert some solid to credit if you need.
Chosen point5: or rather, Erin could.
2020Hindsight: Actually.
2020Hindsight: Uhm
2020Hindsight: ....this is the fun part.
2020Hindsight: You stole from a company I do business with
2020Hindsight: Two weeks ago.
Chosen point5: how do you know it was me?
Chosen point5: also, Jesu, Harth, this connection better be secure.
Chosen point5: I'm at a booth here
2020Hindsight:'... I'm realy good at math and trends, see, and they -- oh please, Mel, I check up on you; also, that's why you weren't arrested -- and I've been doing a lot of playing around with some things, and got a lit4tle here, a little there.... now I'm a wanted man. Only in a good way. I do speculations and things whemm I'm not saving Cleeho over here.
2020Hindsight: And of COURSE this connection is secure. I'm not dumb.
2020Hindsight: Also, Gunther totally knows which side of the barbie he wants his shrimpy ass on.
Chosen point5: Harth, the reason I haven't been arrested is because the larceny section of NYPD knows the score.
2020Hindsight: Not all of them.
2020Hindsight: Occasionally some get dumb.
Chosen point5: Gunther wants his ass on the side of the barbie that's not cooking shrimp.
2020Hindsight: and occasionally some are paid off by people who don't like you or believe in what happened or WHATEVER...
2020Hindsight: 'zactly. Anyway. : Erickson Medical is one of mine. I don't mind, though, because they are doing shady practices and they ARE charing way too much -- especially for the warren meds -- and -- well --.
2020Hindsight: This grid port is in a nice, windowless apartment about one hundred and seventy stories off the ground.
2020Hindsight: So, uh.
2020Hindsight: Wanna come visit?
Chosen point5: what?
2020Hindsight: Come visit. Some day.
2020Hindsight: Vacation time is scarce, I know.
2020Hindsight: But stlil.
Chosen point5: Got things to do... yeah.
2020Hindsight: A day or two wouldn't kill you or anything.
Chosen point5: Might kill someone else.
2020Hindsight: Besides -- we could always use a hand down here.
2020Hindsight: Hellmouth is getting talkative.
Chosen point5: I mean, I'm clearing up the mess you left pretty well, but there's always someone else getting uppity.
2020Hindsight: My mess should be easy. No Leader, and they fall apart. Half-Slayer vampires are certainly hard to come by, so no one should rise up...
Chosen point5: Yeah, who's gonna keep shop here?
2020Hindsight: I could ask Helena.
2020Hindsight: She's go down and stand guard.
Chosen point5: tell that to them... Helena?
2020Hindsight: Oh, uhm. Pixie dust.
Chosen point5: oh you're just gonna swap us?
Chosen point5: I don't even get to meet this Pixie girl?
2020Hindsight: Her name-- hey now, don't make it sound like some sort of -- swing scene, Mel!
2020Hindsight: You'd meet her. We'd come to get you, spend a little time down there, and then I can pop you over heere for a day or two. Easy peasy.
Chosen point5: 'pop me?' How do you make that sound dirty?
2020Hindsight: Duh.
Chosen point5: let me clear some stuff out here, first, OK?
Chosen point5: I'll have to run it past Fishstick
2020Hindsight: Okay. Get back tom me. Doesn't have to be tomorrow or anything.
Chosen point5: OK. Say hi to Pixie Dust from me.
2020Hindsight: She's just getting home. ... ... and she'd got purple hair today. And blu-- okay, excuse me, have to have a fight with the girlfriend. Your shape is not an acceptable one. Especially not in-- oh anyway. Love you, bye.
Chosen point5: eeew. OK, bye. Love you