The Slayer's Choice Awards 2005 (Part One)

Apr 18, 2005 13:07

Here is your chance to see awards night if you missed it. I edited a lot of it and didn't include every single little thing said, 'cause that would go on forever (it lasted three hours), but here it is!

Dark30sAngel69: -wakes up to mic- for the first award tonight will go to best buffy. But before we annouce the award I would like all the winners to IM me after they are announced so I can send them their award!

Loki Ragunaroku: *sets up her mechanical Holden doll, which will cheer on and psychoanalyze all the nominees and winners*

Dark30sAngel69: And now the nominees for best buffy are...
Dark30sAngel69: buffy_slays_you
Dark30sAngel69: buffy_eod
Dark30sAngel69: savvy_slayer
Dark30sAngel69: superhero_grrl
Dark30sAngel69: buffy_as_she_is
Dark30sAngel69: imxcookiexdough
Dark30sAngel69: the buffinator
Dark30sAngel69: and the_golden_girl
Dark30sAngel69: And the winner for Best Buffy is....-opens envelope and reads.-
Dark30sAngel69: BUFFY_EOD!

Rileyisaplank: *stands up and goes to stage*
Rileyisaplank: *walks over to microphone*
Rileyisaplank: Buffy_eod couldn't be here tonight so I graciously accept this award on her behalf. She thanks everyone involved in the game
Rileyisaplank: *holds award up*
Rileyisaplank: *returns to seat*

XCordyxChaseX: Host Lisa - Walks up to the microphone -
XCordyxChaseX: And now for the award for Best Willow!
XCordyxChaseX: Our nominees are... -clips of them play on the big screen tv thing -
XCordyxChaseX: willowberry
XCordyxChaseX: not_an_amazon
XCordyxChaseX: wishingwillow
XCordyxChaseX: doneforyou
XCordyxChaseX: and chosen_scythe
XCordyxChaseX: And our winner for Best Willow is....
XCordyxChaseX: - opens envelope -

Loki Ragunaroku: *stands up* *makes her way up to the stage, hugging Nora*
XCordyxChaseX: - as she walks up to the stage, hands her the award and steps back to let her make a speech -
Loki Ragunaroku: *takes the award,timidly* I don't really know what to say. Never did this before.
Loki Ragunaroku: I'd like to thank everyone I rp with, first off. Because if it weren't for the people that I'm with, it would've been hard to do well at all. They let me form the cool plots we do, and when we work together, we bounce off each
Loki Ragunaroku: other, you know? Um. Thank you for everyone that voted, and good luck to everyone!
Loki Ragunaroku: *makes a hasty retreat*

magickly nikcool: And now, or award for best Xander!
magickly nikcool: Our nominees are....
magickly nikcool: Puffy_xander...
magickly nikcool: xander_eod....
magickly nikcool: and...oneeyed_zeppo!
magickly nikcool: Our winner is.....
magickly nikcool: Puffy_xander!!!!

XMagic GoddessX: *walks up and smiles*
XMagic GoddessX: I'm sure if Tobi were here she'd be amazingly touched and honored for this award. I thank you all on her behalf
XMagic GoddessX: *sheepishly walks back to seat* K, take this. I must um... *scampers off*

Dark30sAngel69: Now it is time for the award for best giles
Dark30sAngel69: The nominees are...
Dark30sAngel69: lil_ripper
Dark30sAngel69: oh_dear_lord
Dark30sAngel69: giles_eod
Dark30sAngel69: rather_british
Dark30sAngel69: _r_giles_
Dark30sAngel69: tweedlibrarian
Dark30sAngel69: original_ripper
Dark30sAngel69: And the winner for Best Giles is...-opens envelope and reads-
Dark30sAngel69: GILES_EOD

Rileyisaplank: *walks to stage*
Rileyisaplank: Ummm, Unfortunately Giles_eod can't be here tonight so I will collect this award for Elisabeth. She thanks evryone in the game and the mods, she couldn't have done it without them.
Rileyisaplank: *holds award up in salute*

XCordyxChaseX: And now it is time to give out the award for our Best Dawn!
XCordyxChaseX: Our nominees are... -clips play on screen -
XCordyxChaseX: pumpkinbelly
XCordyxChaseX: dawn_thekey
XCordyxChaseX: xbittyxbuffyx
XCordyxChaseX: anewdawn
XCordyxChaseX: stillxenchanted
XCordyxChaseX: And the winner for Best Dawn is...-opens envelope and reads-
XCordyxChaseX: - drumroll -
XCordyxChaseX: ANEWDAWN!

XMagic GoddessX: *smooches Lin* You know I still adore you, wanna accept Gin's with me?
xDawnieTheKeyx: *smiles* Totally.
XMagic GoddessX: Sweet *takes hand and walks up*
XMagic GoddessX: Sadly anewdawn [Ginni] is computerless so we'll be accepting this award on her behalf. I'm actually on the phone with her now and she's speachless
xDawnieTheKeyx: *waves to the phone*
XMagic GoddessX: she just squeeled and blew my eardrum out
Illyria639: lol
xDawnieTheKeyx: *laughs*
XMagic GoddessX: *walks back to seat, ear's ringing*

Dark30sAngel69: And nwo it is time for best tara
Dark30sAngel69: and The nominees are...
Dark30sAngel69: isaidquirky
Dark30sAngel69: magick_goddess/sexytarawitch
Dark30sAngel69: t_t_tara
Dark30sAngel69: cracked_tara
Dark30sAngel69: And the winner for Best Tara is... -opens envelope and reads-
Dark30sAngel69: -smiles and takes a minute to read it-

XMagic GoddessX: *giggles and heads up to the stage hugging Stephie*
XMagic GoddessX: *smooches stephie and takes award* Aww thank you guys so much. *sniffles* I'm amazingly touched
XMagic GoddessX: Thank you to the voters and to my partners in crime without whom I'd be just another RPer
Dark30sAngel69: -hugs nora again - congrats dear
XMagic GoddessX: *blushes and goes to join friends*

XCordyxChaseX: And now, it's time to announce the award for BEST OZ!
XCordyxChaseX: Our two nominees are.... oz_eod and ozdwolf!
XCordyxChaseX: And the winner for Best Oz is...-opens envelope and reads-
Willows Touch: *crosses fingers*
XCordyxChaseX: OZDWOLF!

Willows Touch: *gets up and walks to the stage to accept the award for Jamie*
Willows Touch: I want to thank everyone who voted for her she is a great Oz and this award is deserved
Rileyisaplank: I play Oz_eod and am now playing the Oz that Ozdwold played. Weird.
Willows Touch: *takes award and leaves stage*

magickly nikcool: And now, the award for best Spike!
magickly nikcool: The nominees are...
magickly nikcool: buffys_bitch
magickly nikcool: antihero_spike
magickly nikcool: sired1880spike
magickly nikcool: fool_for_love / got_the_spark
magickly nikcool: _loves_bitch_
magickly nikcool: and... big_pile_o_dust
magickly nikcool: and our winner is....
magickly nikcool: my friend- fool_for_love / got_the_spark!!!

Dark30sAngel69: ahhh -jaw drops-
XCordyxChaseX: - SCREAMS - GO STEPH!!!!!!!
Willows Touch: *takes pictures of Stephys sexiness*
Dark30sAngel69: -walkes up to stage- omg wow. Umm I don't even know what to say not much of a speach person. Other then Thank you for everyone who voted for me, I really am surpised that I won this. Without any of you I wouldn't be able to be here
Dark30sAngel69: thank you
HyperGiggles427: HAVE MY BABY'S STEPH!!
Illyria639: lol
DrusillaLivesOn: o.0...
Dark30sAngel69: I will !!

Dark30sAngel69: -stays up on stage- And now it is time to annouce best cordy
Dark30sAngel69: The nominees are...
Dark30sAngel69: beautiful_seer
Dark30sAngel69: former_seer
Dark30sAngel69: _higher_power_c
Dark30sAngel69: __visiongal
Dark30sAngel69: cordyvisiongal
Dark30sAngel69: parting_gifts
Dark30sAngel69: And the winner for Best Cordy is...-opens envelope and reads-
Dark30sAngel69: Wow, we have a tie!
(lost some of the posts after this)

XCordyxChaseX: And now for BEST ANGEL!
XCordyxChaseX: The nominees are...
XCordyxChaseX: mr_angel
XCordyxChaseX: stoic_angel
XCordyxChaseX: angel_eod
XCordyxChaseX: __angel
XCordyxChaseX: brooder_
XCordyxChaseX: championbrooder
XCordyxChaseX: notsomuchsoul
XCordyxChaseX: mr_broods_alot
XCordyxChaseX: And the winner for Best Angel is...-opens envelope and reads-
XCordyxChaseX: MR_ANGEL!

Dark30sAngel69: But she could not make it tonight.
XCordyxChaseX: Steph wanna accept it on her beahalf?
Dark30sAngel69: Sure. lol.. Im sure Hannah would want to thank everyone who voted for her and will be happy to accept this. Thank you everyone!

magickly nikcool: (is wearing now) and now- the award for best Fred!!!!!!
magickly nikcool: Our nominees are...
magickly nikcool: _fredless
magickly nikcool: crazy_toco_lady
magickly nikcool: _fred_burkle_
magickly nikcool: __fredburkle
magickly nikcool: and.... fredburlke
magickly nikcool: eep- i mean fredburkle
Illyria639: That's alot of Burkles. lol
magickly nikcool: Our winner is ..not to be confused with any __fredburkle !!!

Dark30sAngel69: NOw its time for the other side of Fred. the award for best Illyria
Dark30sAngel69: The nominees are...
Dark30sAngel69: the_god_illyria
Dark30sAngel69: inside_walls/shell_of_fred
Dark30sAngel69: and not_the_shell
Dark30sAngel69: And the winner for Best Illyria is...-opens envelope and reads-
Dark30sAngel69: THE_GOD_ILLYRIA!

Willows Touch: *gets up and walks to stage again* I would like to thank everyone who voted for Jessie she is amazing and deserves this award

XCordyxChaseX: And now for Best Gunn!
XCordyxChaseX: The nominees are...
XCordyxChaseX: loaded_gunn
XCordyxChaseX: top_gunn17
XCordyxChaseX: charlesgunn
XCordyxChaseX: lawfulgunn
XCordyxChaseX: call_me_gunn
XCordyxChaseX: And the winner for Best Gunn is...-opens envelope and reads-
XCordyxChaseX: CALL_ME_GUNN!

Bryseia: *stands up, hugs Blue, goes to stage* Wow. With so many wonderful players here, I'm happy and humbled to win.
Bryseia: Thank you *grins*

magickly nikcool: (comes onstage, in yet another gown.. And now our award, for best wesley!
magickly nikcool: Our nominees are....
magickly nikcool: _wes_pryce_
magickly nikcool: wesley_pryce
magickly nikcool: _dark_wesley_
magickly nikcool: and the winner is...
magickly nikcool: _wes_pryce_ !!!!

XMagic GoddessX: *walks up to accept on FG's behalf*
XMagic GoddessX: we all know that her poor computer sucks so she couldn't log onto AIM to accept this. She appreciates everyone who voted and supports her. And we all know that FG rocks!

XCordyxChaseX: - walks up to the stage - Congratulations to all our winners so far! We'll be back after a word from our sponsors!
XCordyxChaseX: - 5 MINUTE BREAK -

To be continued...
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