4th Spell [voice] / [action]

Oct 09, 2010 16:23

[locked to Giles, and Buffy]

[ She fiddles with her journal pages for a moment.]

I've been working with the Filial magic for a few weeks, ever since the teleportation event when I was stuck up on the roof. [ Which Giles would know but Buffy might not. ] A-and I think it's going pretty well.

[ More fiddling. ] But, uh, Dr. McCoy and I were talking ( Read more... )

scared of my power, -luceti, asking for help here, missing tara, not as planned, at least the roof isn't on fire, trying to be a good witch, big scooby meeting, oh this will end well, definitely confused at everything

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Comments 30

[Locked Voice] consultmybooks October 9 2010, 20:35:28 UTC
Something like a ward, you mean?

Don't see why not. Could be useful, especially if someone were to get snatched again.

When were you thinking of trying.

[He can guess at Willow's nervousness, and in return Giles is resolved to sound as not nervous about the idea as possible]


[Locked Voice] slayersidekick October 9 2010, 20:37:28 UTC
Like what Tara and I did for Buffy's house and the Magic Box when Glory was around being all hell-godish.

[ She pauses. ]

I-I'm not sure. Sometime after I can get what I need for it.

[ Totally leaning on that strength, Giles. ]


Re: [Locked Voice] consultmybooks October 9 2010, 20:41:27 UTC
It could work, yes.

Remember, however, that that spell was meant to detect something on Glory's level. Ordinary vampires and demons can slip around it without being noticed.

((ooc: Drawing on my copy of "The Magic Box RPG" supplement, however.))


[Locked Voice] slayersidekick October 10 2010, 17:32:36 UTC
What about modifying it? Y'know, so it's like certain people o-or drones or something? Do you think we... I could do that here?

[ In a time long past, Willow could have suggested this without fear. ]


slaying October 10 2010, 22:43:08 UTC
Bones suggested it?

[She sounds...impressed. Touched, in a weird way.] If you wanna try, Will? I am totally at your side.

[She still sounds anxious though. Today is the day she infiltrates the baddies.]


slayersidekick October 11 2010, 20:37:45 UTC
Y-yeah. He, uh, seemed to think I'd do a good job with it.

[ Oh, good. She sounds relieved. ] I-I won't try anything until you and Giles can be here. I don't think I'm ready to try without you both.


slaying October 12 2010, 03:17:02 UTC
Maybe once we get back from our little side mission?


slayersidekick October 16 2010, 21:34:40 UTC
You bet! A-and once you guys have been properly pampered, too.


action; | post-sundown work? univalent October 11 2010, 20:16:07 UTC
[ one of the problems with vampires is their nasty habit of showing up without warning. no sound, just sudden vampire in your presence. good thing this one isn't interested in hunting the living anymore. ]

Nice little trick.


action; | totally fine! \o\ slayersidekick October 11 2010, 20:36:02 UTC
[ They all tend to do that a lot and that whole not shedding a reflection thing isn't helping. Willow jumps at the sound of Spike's voice and the stick goes flying off in a random direction. ]

O-oh... Spike! You startled me.

[ pause as she gets up to retrieve the stick. ] I was just practicing. A little.


action; univalent October 11 2010, 20:48:02 UTC
[ spike jumps back himself, because flying pieces of wood = potential for badness. thankfully, he's not hit by it. ]

We'll call it even for that almost near death experience.

[ he hesitates, then: ] Not that it's any of my business, but are you sure that's wise?


action; slayersidekick October 11 2010, 20:53:11 UTC
[ She glances at the stick in her hand and winces. ]

Sorry. I-I just...

[ It's okay, because y'know, he's the only person who isn't outright encouraging her and he's voicing her own fears. ] I don't know, Spike. Buffy and Xander and Giles a-and even Doctor McCoy seem to think I can do this magic stuff again, but I don't know. I-it's so powerful and the last time I used it, back at home, I hurt Dawnie. It was really bad and I don't... I don't want that to happen here.

[ She pauses, too, turning the stick over in her hands. ] But I want to help. I-I want to do something and sitting around here... it's not doing it for me.

[ But she is afraid. Very, very afraid. ]


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