Super Sekrit Message to spring_1970

May 24, 2006 11:30

The package, she has arrived!

You are truly ebil, you know that, don't you?

I shall hide it away until ozreison's next visit, though dad is pouting about that. ;-)

Oh and Ginger has done a thorough inspection of the box, I suspect she may have smelt Coco on it. *g*

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Comments 5

nebt_het May 25 2006, 00:24:23 UTC
I keep forgetting to tell you that I do have that book you lent me in Italy! I promise to send it back soon. My head is on a different planet lately. Sorry for thinking it was lost!


slb44 May 25 2006, 00:25:33 UTC
No problem hon.



spring_1970 May 25 2006, 01:13:48 UTC
Put the Thin Mints in the freezer and have them with vanilla ice cream. :) No, seriously, trust me.

Yes, I am ebil. Tell Dad that those are for him as well! :) Let him have some of the tagalongs. :)

Enjoy! *HUGS*

And yeah, Coco likely rubbed on the outside of the box.


slb44 May 25 2006, 01:37:02 UTC
Yes master!

Except ice cream will kill me and Ozy.

We shall, next time the ebil handmaiden to the fat yellow fish and duck pays a visit.

I sort of figured that was a surety. Ginger was intrigued by the scent and she doesn't like people food so, it had to be the box.


spring_1970 May 26 2006, 00:48:36 UTC
Who said the ice cream is for you? *winks long-distance to your Dad* He knows I love him best. :)

I do not understand sentence number three. :)

I don't know...Girl Scout cookies have been known to make normal people insane. :D

Hints for your eating pleasure:

Thin Mints are good cold. Mmmm.

The Tagalongs are very sweet and good with milk.

The Samoans are some people's favs (I don't like coconut) and they can be a little chewy.

What else was in there? If I sent the Shortbreads, I think they go marv-y with tea. I can't remember the other type...I know I sent five boxes though.


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