Oh no! A conflict of interests! Don't worry; I won't steal bananafish2k away from you. Where is Slaughterhaus Five occuring? And when does it finish? (The website is quite mysterious on the details...) Maybe I could do both! I could pretend to be a young person again! Of course, we both know I'm just gonna stay home and watch television instead. :)
Yeah, sorry, the website is still in the pre-launch stage. It's in the stoke newington area - map hare It's from 8 till 2 (despite what the flyer might say).
Ooh, that sounds really interesting!! Yeah, I'd be up for that. It was the night that we were thinking of doing the LOTR musical but as you and Mike were the only ones interested I'm sure we could move that... perhaps to the 17th? Or the 23rd/24th?
Yay! Should be funny! How much do you wanna spend? I can wander past the theatre on my way home... think Upper Circle is ?34.50 and no doubt it can go up or down from there
Hmmm, "American Prohibition"? I'm sure we could whip something up. What did you have in mind?
Comments 10
Yay, fun stuff! *bounce* *bounce*
Would freaky Z make me an "American Prohibition" outfit??
Hmmm, "American Prohibition"? I'm sure we could whip something up. What did you have in mind?
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