Title: Oakdale is Not So Bad - Part 3
sleeper6Rating: R
Disclaimer: All belongs to As the World Turns, not me.
Summary: Sequel to
Dad is Not So Bad. After Reid moves to Oakdale to be with Luke, he has trouble adjusting to his new life and relationship.
Part 1,
Part 2 (
Reid and Henry and Katie and Luke )
Comments 29
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Thanks so much for continuing to read!
I LOVED the banter between Reid & Henry & Reid teasing Henry & it's great that Reid & Katie are getting along but how Reid could be ok with being interrupted in the middle of sex is beyond me & i'm with Luke on this one. & why he was so eager to move in with Katie & not look at the apartments Luke picked out?
Yeah, Reid didn't act cool but he'll explain his actions in the next few chapters.
Thank you so much for reading!
I love Reid&Hank, anytime you want to write about them is fihine by me :)
Whiny/insecure-Luke and Fear of Commitment/I am my own man-Reid are a challenge - they make my fragile nerves tense :(
Great update! Looking forward to the next!
I included a bit more Reid/Henry in the next chapter.
The guys do have strong personalities that will clash but they will work on the relationship.
Thanks! Next chapter is up.
Loved the Hank/Reid parts.
Yeah, it makes sense that Luke would be upset by the Reid/Katie/Jacob happy-family tableau. Reid is a bit clueless. But Luke also seems inclined to be upset about expectations that he has not been upfront about.
I wonder how long it would take Reid to give up and get an appartment of his own.
Great chapter as always, thank you!
Reid and his own apartment? Hmm, wait and see.
Thanks for the comment!
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