Title: Oakdale is Not So Bad - Part 9
sleeper6Characters: Reid/Luke, Snyders, Damian
Rating: R
Disclaimer: All belongs to As the World Turns, not me.
Summary: Sequel to
Dad is Not So Bad. After Reid moves to Oakdale to be with Luke, he has trouble adjusting to his new life and relationship.
Notes: SO SORRY for the delay in posting.
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Comments 31
They do belong together... finally! :)
Great chapter!
They do!
Thanks so much!
Can't wait for the next chapter hope it doesn't take long dying for the final chapter
Thanks so much for reading! Y'all have been so loyal to this story that I feel so bad when I can't update quickly. RL hit me hard so that's why I couldn't post it sooner. But I really, really, REALLY will try to finish this up very, very soon.
No, don't count out Damian yet! You never know, he might still surprise you.
Thank you for reading!
Oh my. That is one major cliffhanger. I assume Reid knows that Luke wouldn't help Damian like that. But he now knows that Damian will do anything to get what he wants. Even if that is hurting Luke.
I will keep an eye out for your next chapter. No pressure off course it will always be worth the wait. But I am so curious about how Reid is going to react. It really is turning out to be a great story. Al tough it looks like bad dad is so bad after all.
Reid has to know, right?
Thanks a lot for your comments throughout. I want to wrap this story up because I just might be able to write one more after this. We'll see. :)
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