how many times have we been here before

May 27, 2009 14:08

So I went to a con this past weekend. Fanime, as per usual. Not bad, but just kind of staggering at some level. Seriously considering not going back next year, but it is a family reunion of sorts--blaghing and booze and cosplay and ridiculous room setup and all. So. I'll think about it.

CFUD meetup was cute. Makeup was actually applied to my face and to basilmemories, gasp, world did not end. Sang to Telly for her birthday, ate cake, played a lot of Apples to Apples. Also played Twilight Imperium, got ass kicked but am zen about it--I play because I like watching it unfold even if I suck at it. One day, one day. The flow of cosplay was interesting--a lot of Ranma, lots of Sanzos, two Niis, one Goku and no other Saiyuki cosplayers that I saw, one 07-GHOST group that went past me too fast while I was playing Twilight Imperium, and nothing less then one Bonten, one Hiwa, two Tokis and a Ginshu. All of which I caught on a friends camera, so there may be pictures of Things later.

However, now I'm just kind of in recovery mode from the stupid shit that happens at cons, and from the stupid shit that happens in the world. I am kind of resigned at the prop 8 decision, and kind of sad, even if I wasn't terribly convinced it was going to be turned down. And kind of worried for my friends and family and feeling blank at RP. It is probably a drop season, because I keep looking at my lineup and having my soul wince. But, change is good and all that. And I think I'll feel better about everything in a few days.

All and all, mostly I just feel older then I did last year. I know normally your birthday is for that sort of thing, but really, this is usually the time of year it hits me more, I think. Timing, I guess. I think I will update with my con haul and my bookreading (as it was mostly manga) of the past while soon, but I think I'll go play more Devil Summoner right now.

aparently senstivity is overated, california-cation, everything in a nothings-shell, cons

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