Rock and Republic denim spree 01 [open]

Jun 12, 2007 12:30

all updates done here:

spree opened at :

78jules / Julie LimR&R cropped denim 0128smokypig/yungR&R cropped denim 01
R&R Skinny piped jeans 0131
32jace_zR&R Skinny piped jeans 01 REFUNDED28cherylsyy1 / cheryl R&R cropped denim 01 28 red_hood88/junting R&R Skinny piped jeans 01 REFUNDED26 Amanda Tan/junk_phoood R&R skinny piped jeans 01 REFUNDED26 purplechecks R&R jeans 03  REFUNDED26 ttkx1988/teresa R&R Crystal jeans 01
R&R cropped denim 0129
28 celestang/celestine R&R Skinny piped jeans 01 REFUNDED26 conns/connieR&R Skinny piped jeans 01REFUNDED26ofreya/ Adeline Wong R&R Skinny piped jeans 01 REFUNDED26 Angela / nsy_la R&R Skinny piped jeans 01 REFUNDED27 icecoldgal/ Yiling R&R jeans 03  REFUNDED31 tenshi_kamael/HuiMinR&R Skinny piped jeans 01REFUNDED31flly/ Faith R&R Skinny piped jeans 01 REFUNDED27    
Orders sent!!!! waiting for seller's reply! =D

Supplier sent me an invoice. Will be going down later to deposit enough money into the bank to do an online demand draft =D it'll reach seller's bank within ehx.... 4-6 days according to the website. =D

payment done! will update once seller confirm payments n shipping date =D

seller is quoting me ridiculously high shipping for the long jeans.... much higher than wat i paid for when i was buying wif my few frenz... close to USD 10 per jeans while the cropped jeans were only USD 4+!... now bargaining wif him. will update u all again! =D

ROAR! i m really v v angry, MUCH ANGRIER than ever, i've paid the seller, then he say he go post office n realise the shipping is higher than expected, and told me it was the long jeans fault. so he refuse to send the skinny jeans n the jeans 03 over. the rest of the orders are sent already. the money is wif him, he dun wan send, and he say wat last time not wholesale price tatz y can send me so many jeans in one go! ROAR!!! I'll be making a call to him to scream later! sorry babes! and ROAR ROAR ROAR!

Okiez, i have decided to cancel the orders for skinny jeans n jeans 03. i M REALLY sorry. bt the shipping is really too ex, and it's crazy to ask u all to pay more for it. plus, i dun feel good abt the way he try increasing price AFTER i've paid. so I've asked him to refund me the excess. =) will update once his refunds are done!! no worries abt him running away with the money, coz he's actually an fren intro-ed by my A&F supplier, who is EXTREMELY reliable =D

items arrived. babes, i hope u all can give me some time to settle this spree first. I need to calculate the pricings + shipping for the jeans tt arrive, account for those which din't, den call the seller blah blah...

i will start refunding those who ONLY ordered either skinny jeans or jeans 03. tatz wif my own money coz i felt bad enough already.

To AccountPOSB Savings
131-37247-7 ofreya Amount S$36.00 Transaction Reference1247553431 
To AccountPOSB Savings
209-05011-0 red_hood88 Amount S$36.00 Transaction Reference1247554421 
To AccountPOSB Savings
189-37006-7 purplechecks Amount S$37.00 Transaction Reference1247555483 To AccountPOSB Savings
104-43950-0 conns Amount S$37.00 Transaction Reference1247567851 To AccountPOSB Savings
194-26996-0 jace_z Amount S$36.00 Transaction Reference1247568825

To Account
POSB Savings

125-42706-5 junk_phoood Amount S$36.00 Transaction Reference1247569498 
To AccountPOSB Savings
153-58986-0 nsy_la Amount S$36.00 Transaction Reference1247570746 
To AccountPOSB Savings
195-41041-0 tenshi_kamael Amount S$36.00 Transaction Reference1247571508 
To AccountPOSB Savings
093-84420-3 icecoldgal Amount S$37.00 Transaction Reference1247572280 
To AccountPOSB Savings
195-15865-7 flly Amount S$36.00 Transaction Reference1247573120 

celestang 146-104-712-8 SGD Amount
Transfer Date

03/07/2007 (Immediate) Transaction Reference:
however, if u are the ones ordering cropped jeans, you can post a comment below WITH your contact number and lj-nick should u be free for any of the following meet-ups dates

MEET-UP 1: 04/07/07- YCK mrt ctrl 10.30am
MEET-UP 2: 04/07/07- Orchard mrt ctrl 6.30pm
MEET-UP 3: 05/07/07- AMK national library 10.45am

in the following format [comments are screened] :

Name/ Lj-nick:
Address: [if opting for postage]
Hp: [if opting for meet-up]
Account type and number:

dispatch option: normal ($2.50 cropped pants)/ registered [$2.24] / meet-up 1/ 2/ 3

excess from postage would be refunded. i m doing a bold estimate coz postage had increased, and today, one tiny cami which i've sent out costed me $1.50!!!

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