booooob. hahahahah im justin.
not no mo'
go take a shower.
where do you wanna go look for jobs?
you;tr trdrivibg .
you're retarded. Well, we cant go anywhere until you go take a GOODMN shower.
ill shower after tbhis song.
okay. lets get jiggy.
yes, letsw.
you just played the drumsa on my tarters.
yeah i sdid..nice tartes. babY!
you wash your nasty ace.
kthxbi lolz
shave..brush your hair. and deoderize. mission accomplioshed. lets look at milos, cvs, we should look at all the food places. ERROR eRror cannot compuTe. hurry back im dancing without you. Here's looking to you kid. Bum bum bum sattelite of love... your cigaretter traces a ladder to the stars.'re loony. cigarttes are awesome..i should have more..likelll..........................12333523334 more...that would be fresh. we'll laugh. olddddddddd people.
the poop?
yes..poop i need to. my farts smell like cheese that is onfire and 3 years old..sitting out in the sun.
his nqame ids...benedict xii..but his real name is ratzinger..
my name is justin! PWN3D
i have a secret lover named busbee.
LOLZ! busbee is going down. no more honey for that fucker.
lets go get employmrenfjnefjn