Title: The Three Bears, Part VII Fandom: Warehouse 13 Rating: T Words: 541 Summary: Vanessa tries to plead her case to Mrs. Frederic. Notes: Written for self_preserving, prompt was Vanessa, heartsick.
I like that Vanessa stands her ground against Mrs Frederic. Maybe this is an effect of the artefact when the two brought together are separated against their will... And maybe it's just Vanessa being a freaking BAD ASS.
Either way I really love it. Basically it's the same as we've seen from Vanessa in the show. Now that she's on the right path with Artie she's not giving up. (Even if he's being a douche)
It's working so well because it's so Vanessa. I mean look at everything we've seen her in. Whenever there's a crisis she's just like 'okay, we're doing this' and basically just gets in there and does her job.
I really love that she told Mrs Frederic to turn the car around. Like if it was Myka or Pete they'd be like "turn this car around... maybe... a little... no? okay."
Comments 3
Either way I really love it. Basically it's the same as we've seen from Vanessa in the show. Now that she's on the right path with Artie she's not giving up. (Even if he's being a douche)
I love how she basically tells Mrs. Frederic that it's no longer her choice, and to OMG TURN THE BLOODY CAR AROUND. Only, in worse terms. lol.
I really love that she told Mrs Frederic to turn the car around. Like if it was Myka or Pete they'd be like "turn this car around... maybe... a little... no? okay."
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