Title: The Beats of Silence
Pairing: Chris Pine/Karl Urban, appearances by Zoe, Bruce Greenwood, and Katie Pine
Rating: NC-17 (there's dirty bits at the end)
Disclaimer: I so do not know these people, and I make no profit from this work. The title is taken from the Interpol song, Not Even Jail, which I also coincidentally, don't own.
Summary: The
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Comments 5
1. Bruce!! Being a badass, as per usual
2. The forceful nurse. She's my fave.
3. Chris' first words when he wakes up. I really love hearing him swear. Weird? I think not.
4. Also, the whole "fucking bastard" reaction to Karl's gentleness. So funny!
Um, yeah, and fluffy endings are the best endings.
What stayed the most though was this:
The look a deer has when it steps out into the road only to find a car coming towards it. That sense that your world is about to go pear shaped and all you can do is stand there and let it happen.
Uh, yeah. Perfect description for these moments everyone could live without.
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