so I was all excited about the upcoming weekend, friends coming to visit from thunder bay, last minute halloween costume wrangling, but then the following happened:
friday night, got takeout from local thai place, including yummy coconut milk soup with shrimp and mushrooms. Half an hour later I broke out into hives (am I allergic to shrimp??? crap!). I took 2 Benedryl and decided to call it a night.
I woke up around 11 PM with my tummy feeling not-so-good, and kinda rumbly, so I decided to go to the bathroom. Within 2 minutes, I had both (1) taken a huge gross liquid dump and (2) vomited pretty much the entire contents of my evening meal into the garbage can. I spent the rest of the night vomiting more than once an hour, and the next 2 days trying valiantly to stay hydrated (but that's hard when you're having a liquid BM every 5 minutes). I felt so bad about keeping my boyfriend and the dudes from thunder bay up on friday night with my incessant vomiting. It is really freaking hard to vomit quietly, I tried.
The moral of this story is: always, always, always wash your hands when you're working on a ward with an outbreak of viral gastroenteritis. 10 seconds with soap and water. that manorapid stuff is not good enough on its own.
And I'm still recovering, which is why I'm at home from work on a monday.