Title: Syntax Rating: pg Wordcount: 6825 Pairing: kaibaek Summary: An assignment at work has Baekhyun questioning his marriage, and he grapples with his evolving relationship with his Nutcracker Prince, Jongin. a/n this was originally written for darling swee paradisist for thebaekfest ! special thanks to lababoreine yehet
“Touch cannot lie, Baekhyun. Words can deceive and fool your ears and eyes but touch,” he draws the back of his knuckles gently across Baekhyun’s cheek, “this,” Jongin breathes, trying not to let his hand tremble. “This cannot deceive you, cannot hide anger or resentment or adoration. Skin on skin, hesitant or seeking.” THIS IS POETRY. JUST PURE FEELING.
Comments 16
“Touch cannot lie, Baekhyun. Words can deceive and fool your ears and eyes but touch,” he draws the back of his knuckles gently across Baekhyun’s cheek, “this,” Jongin breathes, trying not to let his hand tremble. “This cannot deceive you, cannot hide anger or resentment or adoration. Skin on skin, hesitant or seeking.” THIS IS POETRY. JUST PURE FEELING.
I love love love this.
*90 degree bows in your general direction*
I love, love, love this so much. Thank you. ; w ;
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