I don't know what to do....

Mar 16, 2009 17:09

Should I ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

ajj7sunhawk March 16 2009, 10:31:21 UTC
I think doing ur masters is a good idea.. N hugs


eden_guardian March 16 2009, 14:54:05 UTC
I'm still coming in August if that helps any. :/


sleepywarlord March 17 2009, 08:10:26 UTC
Thank you! I keep mixing up because i've asked so many people and so many people keep bailing :(


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sleepywarlord March 17 2009, 08:15:00 UTC
Yeah... I know what you're saying.. but it's difficult for my family if I move back without a job. I have monthly bills to pay... and asking them for help is.. hard. Not asking, but them providing it, is difficult. Not paying them is also out of the question as that leads to horrendous bad credit ( ... )


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