I have new housemates this year (oh and hai, since I hardly ever update this any more). Last year I was living with three Polish and one German, this year it's two Polish and two English.
This year my housemates (well, two of them) are pricks. Nationalistic, racist pricks too.
A collection of the less savoury things they've said:
"What would you rather your daughter marry: a filthy wog, a nigger, or a nice Polish boy?"
"They should just fucking kill all the Jews, they're useless anyway."
"You [my female housemate Chloe] can't tell me you'd rather go out with a fucking packie than a nice white guy?"
"I fucking hate City Road. Hate it. So many fucking wogs and packies and fucking niggers. I can't stand walking down it. Fuck. And it fucking stinks! Oh my god, packies stink, wogs stink, niggers stink."
Couple that with a complete inability to understand that there's a certain etiquette to sharing a house, certain unwritten rules, guidelines if you will, which make the experience even slightly enjoyable. Chief among these is that you and your friend isn't a fucking party. It doesn't require you to play music at full blast all night, doesn't require you to turn your music on when you get in from your party at 5:40 in the morning because you've decided that you're not going to sleep. The rest of us want to fucking sleep!
The last time this particular friend came over you generated complaints from the Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights. Which YOU didn't have to deal with! I had to deal with them! The letting agents got complaints from all three nights and I was the one they call. I'm always the one they call for everything, but I especially don't like being kept up until 4:00 on a Monday morning only to be called at 9:30 with the complaint about you that I wanted to make! But of course, because she'd told me, despite the fact that I told her it was you, she didn't call you. No. That would just be stupid. After all, I complain that you didn't fucking listen to me when I told you to knock it the fuck off hence why she has the complaint. It's clear that I can stop you doing it again... oh, wait, no I can't because you're both pricks.
The other morning they came in at 4:00 after a night out and put their music on full blast. I came down to ask them to STFU and they were already answering the door to the neighbours asking the same thing. So I put in my "STFU pls" and went back to bed, hoping that a double whammy of STFU would do something to you, make you think. No. I was down again less than half an hour later because you were playing Call of Duty at full volume. I stood at your door and knocked it six times before just walking in and standing there, saying your names. It wasn't until one of you looked around that you SAW me and turned down the volume to see what I wanted. Guess what? IF YOU CAN'T HEAR YOUR DOOR BEING KNOCKED OR SOMEONE IN THE SAME ROOM TALKING AT NORMAL VOLUME THEN YOU'RE DOING SOMETHING FAR TOO FUCKING LOUD FOR ANY TIME, LET ALONE 4:30 IN THE FUCKING MORNING YOU PRICKS!!!!!!!!!ONE!1ZFIGSAG;KLJ;SDJKLLJKHGAOIHG
I have to keep reminding myself that it has nothing to do with the two of you being Polish. Just because I had a couple of noise problems last year with my Polish housemates (amazingly whenever the two of you were visiting) doesn't make it a problem with Polish people. It makes it a problem with you two pricks.
Also, guess what? No I don't care about Polish (or 'niggers' or 'wogs' or any other ethnic or national slur you care to use for which ever people you don't like) people coming here to find work. If they're willing to work and can get employed then fair play to them. We'd go to Poland to find jobs too if it wasn't such a cess pool (opinion based on pictures and movies of Poland shown to me with pride by the many Polish people I've met over the last 14 months). I don't see you coming here as a bad thing. It's a good sign, the bad sign being that the rates are dropping and may even have reach a negative figure of people going back home because of the state we're in. You coming here means my country is better than yours, dill holes. People don't go from good places to bad places, they go from bad places to good places. That's how it works. If what you want is sun, you don't move from Florida to Skeggy, you move from Skeggy to Florida. If what you want is to have a reasonable chance at a well paying job you move your ass from Poland to the UK (at least, until recently). That you're here 'stealing' UK jobs doesn't make you awesome and me a loser. It makes you the loser, from the loser country, coming to the awesome country and by your own fucked up logic, that makes me the awesome one.
Another thing. A lot of countries have had empires. Poland's wasn't that great. The reason we don't learn about it in school here is exactly those reasons combined. We had our own, which we learn about. We learn (well, I did in my school, your results may vary) a little about Alexander the Great's, a little about the Mongolian empire and a shit load about the Roman empire. The fact that your empire lasted 200 years doesn't make it better than and more worthy of learning about than Alexander's. What made Alexander's worthy of study was that he did it all before he died at 32 years old. An incredible achievement, even by modern mobilised warfare standards. I can't remember the bull shit reason you gave why it was more worthy of study than the Roman empire, I can just remember laughing at you. Your racist reasons for not studying the Mongolian empire were just tragic. But, I went away, I studied your 'amazing Polish empire' and I was so less than impressed that it wasn't even amusing how nationalistic your outlook is. Sure, it lasted a while. Yes, it fought and won a few wars. Great. It was relatively small (and I now see why my "Great, so what, Britain had an empire that they said the sun never set on, doesn't mean anything" shut you up, because your empire was a small corner of Eastern Europe, not even over two time zones) it achieved a few things, but was actually relatively weak and boring, hence why it lasted so long, hence why it isn't studied in British schools.
So, Alek the Fascist, Mathaus the Nazi (Nazi chosen because while he supports many of Hitler's key aims, he doesn't like Nazis because they beat Poland into burger meat) and Mikau the pot head (you seem like a nice guy and rarely say anything because you're so stoned, but you're always there when the music goes over the top). All in all, what I guess I'm trying to say, is STFU.