
May 10, 2005 19:56

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Comments 4

lovethecheerldr May 11 2005, 19:33:13 UTC
1. If I give a nickname you'll guess it.
2. Only a lil bit
3. Aquantices (spelled wrg) party buddies
4. You screaming at Nick for throwing shit at you at Trevors hotel get together
6. You get so mad at Nick lol kinda amusing though
7. Funny, cuddlable, crazy
8. No clue I don't want to be an America Idiot I dunno why
9. Just have FUN, always be good to Autumn and bring her around once in a while
10. hmm I dunno


slfootball07 May 12 2005, 11:12:56 UTC


gueess anonymous May 11 2005, 19:35:06 UTC
-1- Give me a nickname\\ doll
-2- How long have you known me\\about a year
-3- How close are we\\umm hum
-4- A favorite memory of me\\ ;)
-5- Best thing about me\\ eyes
-6- Worst thing about me\\ loundness:anger :-P
-7- Describe me in three words\\ super hot ass
-8- Song that reminds you of me\\ to sexy for my shirt
-9- Give me a word of advice\\ ??
-10- Hint at who you are \\tiny


Re: gueess slfootball07 May 12 2005, 11:12:44 UTC
Hehe its autumn


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