Fringe 2.11 Unearthed
This recap is brought to you by the construction workers who are sawing and drilling and generally making an awful racket outside. Yay, building!
And my apologies for the lateness of this recap. Life has not been treating me well lately, and that’s all I’m saying about that.
Oh goody, another creepy hospital. At least this one paid the electric bill.
At this point, my roommate wanted to know why the girl had a laser coming out of her finger. Which I found hilarious, as that was the monitor tracking her oxygen saturation, and most definitely NOT a laser. But a laser would be cool. JJ, take note of that.
You know the girl’s not dead, right? Oh, NOOOOOOO!!! Everyone’s worst fear, surgery (especially organ harvest surgery) when you’re not dead. And another person waking up screaming nonsense! “Call a trauma team!” is the understatement of the week! I will admit that I jumped, freaky!
Peter, srsly? You are flirting with a teenager who just came back from the dead. Creepy, in a totally non-Fringe creepy way.
So is Rusk in her head? Is she Rusk? Did she go to another universe? It can’t be good to have this many questions this early in an ep, can it?
Walter listening to coma patients…I don’t know what to think about this. I do agree with him, too many anecdotal reports from coma/minimally conscious persons to ignore the fact that some of them may be “there” in some fashion. And it’s so true, we don’t understand consciousness very well at all.
So Walter’s proud of Peter? We are in a different universe, aren’t we? I think so.
I like how Liv interacted with the mom in this ep. She was sensitive but stuck her ground, didn’t let the mom cash her ‘mom/sympathy card’ constantly. I admire that.
Hey, with all this religion going on it reminds me of Boobs McGee, jr FBI agent. WTF happened to her?
Big Floaty Letters, yay! Why do you always make me smile?
Oh, man. Chuck is still so very hot. And this is making me so very sad. OK, this isn’t Alternaverse Scar!Chuck, but it could be pre-scar Scar!Chuck, right? Will we see how Scar!Chuck got his scar?! ‘Cause that would totally rock!
More of “Walter’s Most Unethical Home Videos”! They should totally have a bunch of those for fans to play around with. I see Astrid prefers “Walter’s Scariest Home Videos”…personally, I like my title better. But I am biased.
OMG, what happened to numbers 1-5…Peter, you are the best! And “I believe the University settled with them out of court. They probably never had to work again…not that they ever could.” !!!!
Is anyone keeping track, a la Boobs McGee, of all the bible verses this season? Because I’d like to see that list, so you know…leave me a comment.
Why is the priest creeping me out? Is it because he was a bad guy on a L&O or SVU last season? Because I think that’s it. Or it’s his slightly creepy smile.
Pizza and beer…now you’ve made me hungry.
Does anyone else like the light makeup on Liv? Where you can slightly see her freckles. Because I like that a lot.
Peter…OMG! I don’t care what universe you are in. Put. On. Some. Fucking. Gloves. Now. Stop touching things with your bare hands!
Doctor Lady, you have no proof at all that there isn’t a link between Lisa’s aneurysm and the seizure. Aneurysms can cause brain damage, and any kind of brain damage can lead to forms of post-traumatic seizures and seizure disorders. So, shut up. And, I hate those glasses on you. It’s obvious someone put them on you so you’d be “smart” and believe you’re a doctor. And it’s not working.
Walter arguing about possession-ha! I found that funnier than I probably should have.
Peter’s “must be Tuesday” reference would have worked much better if this had aired last season (when it was shot), since Fringe was on Tuesday’s last season.
Highly experimental inhibitors make you demon-like, and possible to possess people?! Good call to describe the drugs in medical terms.
Flirting, again? You cannot turn off the charm, can you, Alterna!Peter.
Walter’s non-bonding, barely understanding of the mom not wanting to “lose Lisa again,”…hints at us being in an alternate universe, right? Or am I reading way too much into this?
Nice job, teenage actress! I like the way you changed the timbre and tone of your voice for Rusk. Excellent job!
Google-fu, Chuck! Whoa, nice tackle and right hook, babe! This is not cheering me up, it’s making me miss Chuck more than ever.
It’s nice you can escape Peter by being sweet and asking for a drink. Good job, Rusk-y/Lisa!
Hey, it’s a mini-Oz reunion! Kirk and BabyWinters!
Here’s a truly unexpected twist-didn’t see this as stemming from a botched assassination. And lesson #287: don’t tell people who hired you to kill them, in case they end up possessing someone and going to take revenge.
Um, you have a gun so you’re going to coat them in gas and light them on fire? Dumb. But not as dumb as Peter stepping into the room!
[Totally unrelated, if Fox can guarantee a certain amount of screen time shirtless in Human Target, I will promise to be a regular viewer. The more you know.]
I see, Lisa and Peter have a super bond because of the flirting. Good thing Peter was creepy and flirty.
Nice shot, Chuck! But couldn’t that have backfired with the gas and the match? I’m just saying.
Great choice of bible verses, fitting for the show and this ep.
Did Lisa threaten to return to score with Peter? That was odd.
I did not like that ending! Way too creepy. That poor Mrs. Rusk, who will have to spend the rest of eternity hiding from her demon-body-possessing husband! Scary!
I am still curious: why was this ep NOT aired last season? Are we supposed to learn something from it that applies to this season? Other than that Peter may have a sex crazed 18 year old with a crush stalking him, I mean? Did they do this to just piss off/sadden everyone who misses Chuck? Why, JJ? Why?