Quirks meme

Jun 01, 2006 15:33

Random factoids I play Dearka with which, as specified in Ikkaku's nifty first post, are plausible but only true in the spectrum of fanon I perceive him in. XD It's a bit hard for him since lkfjskdf stupid canon lackness.

my Dearka:

- originally joined ZAFT to have an excuse to leave home.

- has no particular memory or attachment to his mother other than being the person his skin and hair color come from.

- was often ignored and occasionally abused by his councilman father as a child.

- hates his dad. Is afraid of him to an extent, and hates that even more.

- will divert the conversation if it starts to touch on father issues.

- is annoyed by Mwu and makes a point of needling him every now and then, partly because Mwu's the closest person to a 'good' older-male figure he's met, but he isn't going to admit that anytime soon since he...

- ...generally holds authority figures in contempt. Will only listen to superiors due to rank, but rarely respects them (even Klueze).

- was something of a juvenile delinquent. Hanging out with kiddie roughnecks at school, beating up kids who got fresh with him, or pulling pranks on losers in general.

- never really made 'friends' with other kids.

- has known Yzak since childhood.

- was beaten up by Yzak when they first met.

- used to sneak over to the Jule mansion and spend a lot of time there, as a kid and until Yzak and he joined ZAFT.

- had many, many, many fistfights with Yzak as a kid over small things. Gradually stopped/started deliberately conceding as he realized it was just easier to let Yzak win since he'd be constantly irritated otherwise, and damn he was hard to beat. (Or so he tells himself.)

- Ditto above for games and competitions between them. NULLIFIED BY NOVELS, SEE BELOW

- met Yzak in the academy. (This is apparently canon, and so magical retcon is now applied to previous RP. D:)

- ...was beaten up by Yzak when they first met due to a misunderstanding.

- after meeting Yzak, tended to stick around with him wherever he went.

- makes it a point that Yzak never knows about the little bit of holding back he does sometimes when they compete against each other.

- doesn't mind not being the winner, as long as he's somewhere close/among the winners.

- has his own version of pride; thinks he can do well and knows he can do well in anything he wants to, so that's enough for him and renders the actual doing unecessary.

- wouldn't mind being in command if he had to, but would rather leave it to others so he can mock them (not in Yzak's case, because he knows Yzak would rather be in that position of rank; he's more capable anyway).

- came in fourth/fifth in rankings for almost all parts of military training. Could have been second place in marksmanship (the first being Athrun) but was too lazy to try hard enough, and it would mean edging out Yzak.

- prefers guns and projectile weapons rather than close-in fighting, and would rather have an opponent taken out before reaching touching distance of him.

- if forced to pick a melee weapon, would pick a polearm for the extended reach.

- is usually irritated by Yzak's bitchfits but sometimes amused in secret, except when it involves property damage or injury.

- actually enjoys calming Yzak down. Sometimes. Thinks Yzak is hot when he's angry and when he's trying not to be.

- thinks Yzak is hot in general.

- is bisexual. Has had the occasional flirtation with girls in the past, but nothing solid; usually with the airheaded type, but got bored with them pretty fast. Has never considered attraction to guys other than Yzak.

- is a virgin.

- can hold his alcohol really well, even for a Coordinator.

- likes cats more than dogs. No real reason. Cats need less caring for, in his opinion.

- takes a while to get to sleep. Times Yzak's breathing in the meantime.

- used to run through a decent amount of hair gel to keep his hairstyle at 17. Thought it was badass. Grew it out when he finally decided it wasn't worth the budget, but still maintains the mullet.

- likes mullets.

- spends a few minutes every morning combing his hair.

- is pretty confident in his looks and physical appeal.

- can cook and would probably do pretty well taking care of himself as a bachelor.

- keeps a gun under his pillow.

- keeps a bottle of water beside his bed since he usually wakes up early in the morning thirsty.

- likes the CE equivalent of Slurpees.

- is used to masturbating quietly or in the bathroom so Yzak can ignore him.

- has shared rooms with Yzak since the beginning of the academy days.

- likes 20th-century music, favoring country and sixties-eighties material.

- has some awareness about 20th-century pop culture, but limited mostly to old television material and books.

- likes watching chick flicks and sappy romances to laugh at them.

- likes to read in his spare time, anything from literature to tabloids to a convenient travel brochure on the next table. Is surprisingly well-read.

- rarely passed up his turn to hang on to a circulating 'academy property' porn mag for a few days.

- likes woody off-colors; olive green, brown and grey.

- if he had his way in camp, would sex Yzak once a day and twice on Sundays. (As it is he settles for occasionally blueballing him.) Has a pretty fiery set of hormones but is used to having to step on them to avoid stabbing.

- doesn't like being on the bottom. There may be exceptions.

- favours body contact; not just in the hugging and holding sense, but is generally physical with his behaviour. Patting, putting a hand on a shoulder, tweaking hairs, even brushing past as a form of derision.

- is used to having Yzak's presence around. Feels odd/awkward when on his own for too long without a clear idea of where/what Yzak is doing. When taken prisoner in the first season, would (alone in his cell) occasionally make a snide comment out loud from his thoughts addressed to Yzak, only to remember that he wasn't there.

- likes sausage foods.

- has two scars on his hairline; one from when Miriallia tried to stab him on the Archangel, the other from shrapnel during the end of the First Bloody Valentine War. Never bothered with cosmetic removal since they serve as reminders.

- tends to perform hand-to-head movements. Cracking his neck, scratching his head, rubbing his temples, running fingers through his hair, etc.

- sometimes spends hours sitting on a high place (like a cabin roof) picking off zombies from the furthest distance possible in creative ways.

- considers asking Athrun to build him a scope for his rifle sometime so he can snipe with it.

- doesn't mind being a demoted greencoat, as long as he's still in ZAFT and keeping up beside Yzak.

- has no qualms about killing face-to-face if he has to. Will shoot to disable or kill in the same way.

- has had to put Yzak to bed before when he fell asleep at his commander desk.

- is an agitator when things are too boring, peacemaker when things are too heated. Likes things to have a balance, whether relationship-wise, life-wise, etc.

- prefers to leave deep, philosophical questioning to other people unless something comes up that needs his consideration. Would rather do a damn good job of what he wants to do rather than sit down and angst over anything he can't change.

- doesn't think anything has really changed at all with him and Yzak starting an actual Relationship, save that he gets to make out now.

- would put Yzak over PLANT if it weren't for that Yzak would hate him forever if he did.

- lives on a day-to-day (or week-by-week) basis most of the time. Isn't particular about the future unless he knows there's something he can actively do to make it better, for himself or for someone else important to him (Yzak lala.)

- if he had his own apartment, would probably keep it in a state of partial messiness. Not filthy, but just haphazard magazines, clothes tossed around, that sort of thing.

- likes running fingers through Yzak's shampoo-ad-quality hair.
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