So, a 3rd case it has to be. At least the other 2 weigh UNDER the weight. The 3rd case is also at least one of those carry on ones, so it's not THAT bad. It should be totally empty for the return trip. Maybe we'll just leave it there and have someone else bring it back with them next summer. A family member is bound to be here next summer
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Comments 6
still need to buy a mother's day gift, yikes.
Good luck with the mothers day gift. I have a card here I'll be leaving and then leaving my dad some money to pick up something for her next week when he picks up my aunts bday gift. So, that's all taken care of.
I really hate knowing Im gonna forget something
Im going to see Nathan Fillion on Sunday thats about all my excitment
I can't wait to see the pics with Nathan Fillion. Be sure to post a link here for me to I can check it out when I get back. 3 weeks of playing catch up with the flist will take me another 3 weeks to catch up on lol.
Hope you manage to put everything on the three bags and that you won't need to got a 4th one.
Can't believe you're leaving soon, time went so fast.
I can't believe we leave day after tomorow either! It snuck up on us really quick. It feels like we just booked it a couple weeks ago, not a couple of months.
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