The house is now on the market. I am still scrambling to get it ready to show. Jonny is moving all our stuff to GA in less than 2 weeks. Baby's "early" birthday party is this Saturday. I have a million things to do, and only 10 days in which to do them! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGH!!! x_x
Suki will be going to her new home tomorrow morning. I'm trying really hard not to feel like dirt, even though I know this is the best thing for everyone. UGH; lack of sleep is not helping me at all. u_u
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I have been digging through tons of our old junk for weeks now, getting ready for our HUGE moving sale tomorrow... I think I'm going to lose my mind before we get through it all. @_
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Maybe today is about mothers, but for me it's about the little miracle that made me a mother. I am so thankful for the privilege! <3
"Before you were conceived I wanted you. Before you were born I loved you. Before you were here an hour I would die for you. This is the miracle of life." -Maureen Hawkins
After reading the books, I was always wondering what my daemon would look like... I have to say I am VERY pleased with the result. (I answered the questions honestly too!) :D ( Cleon )
I'm thinking of designing a new, compact artist "signature" for myself. Just something small and simple with my initials, like what Michael Whelan uses. I'd like something I could have a stamp made of, that is unobtrusive to my art. Now if I could just find the time to DO some art! X)