Vid: Out of the Mountain, Dean/Cas (for August)

Jul 30, 2011 03:09


I hope your day is full of cake and fatness and presents and awesome people. 
I made you a vid because I love you.

...I didn't really know what to make a vid of...and it started out as a betrayal vid *dramatic heart clench*...but then Dean's FACE kept getting in the way so it turned into a depressing eye sex extravaganza featuring lots of water and glaring which could be a badly disguised metaphor for ANGRY SEX and BEING SAD.

this isn't as polished as it could be and in all fairness I should spent another few hours on it, but I am off on holiday in the morning and between all the endless computer issues I've had this week and the fact that LJ is unpredictable - if I don't post it now it would never get done.

image Click to view

Hope you like it :)

So: other people who I owe stuff to and everyone who i haven't replied to who I have meant to reply to: The things I owe you will be posted when I get back from holiday...and maybe before if the weather is shitty and I have a good internet connection. <333333

cas = glitter, supernatural, type: fanvid, pairing: dean/castiel

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