So Meagan and I contemplated something that had been bugging me for a while concerning chapter 108, and I think I've reached a satisfying decision about it.
C@ says:
Alchemy is science. You can't stop doing science, or you'd be defying gravity and shit, so Ed MUST be able to still do some level of alchemy after the Promised Day. Maybe he can still do circle!alchemy...I don't know, someone brought it up on LJ and it made total sense to me and I started wondering about it.
Y'know? You can't have someone physically unable to do science. People might be shite at it, but it's not impossible, and it's been beaten into us all these years that alchemy's just science, so.
Full'mea'tal Alchemist says:
...Right, 'cause he gave up the gate inside him, not the science itself.
C@ says:
Precisely. He still has the knowledge, but alchemists don't see the Gate unless they transmute a human or something.
So I think he just can't do clappy-hands alchemy.
Because you can't stop sciencing.
Full'mea'tal Alchemist says:
And I doubt he'd travel all over studying alchemy if he couldn't even do it anymore. XD
C@ says:
I can see why you'd study alchemy even if you didn't practice alchemy, but still, it makes sense, right? I'm not just babbling?
Full'mea'tal Alchemist says:
Makes sense to me.
C@ says:
I didn't even really consider it until she pointed it out, but it's just logical, really. So he must be able to still perform array alchemy to some extent.
Full'mea'tal Alchemist says:
C@ says:
I've been trying to get my head around that for weeks.
I think about the most irrelevant stuff sometimes.
Full'mea'tal Alchemist says:
XD I guess that's better, then. If Ed couldn't do alchemy at all, I think he'd just become depressed.
C@ says:
I don't know if it's just Arakawa being surprisingly illogical, or just not mentioning it, 'cause it's just not been canonically clarified. *shrug* Maybe she intentionally left it open for interpretation.
Full'mea'tal Alchemist says:
Hmm, she probably just left it open, like she did a lot of things.
C@ says:
Because when he was talking to his Truth, it seemed pretty much like "all alchemies ever omg" but it could just be referring to the convenience of clappy-alchemy...
She'll probably chuck out an interview or another guidebook in a few months and we'll all be debating about it all over again.
Full'mea'tal Alchemist says:
The way his Truth was talking, he was just going back to being a "normal human being" which is what he started off as. Though, I guess you could say he was always a "normal human being," but I'd say obviously he wasn't after he opened the Gate if he was so special that he was needed to be this important sacrifice and all.
C@ says:
Yeah, it's because he opened the Gate after human transmutation that he was all human-sacrificey. Before that he WAS just a "normal human being".
Full'mea'tal Alchemist says:
C@ says:
So logically he ought to be able to transmute to some degree, even if his skills suck in comparison now.
Full'mea'tal Alchemist says:
Poor Ed. XD
C@ says:
And Al and Roy get to show him up all the time.
Man, good day for Roy, really. Not blind anymore, AND clappy-alchemy.
He's gonna get so much bromance with Al. "Lalalala we got our tolls back and we can still claaaap~"
Full'mea'tal Alchemist says:
X'DD Awww. <3
C@ says:
So then without his Gate anymore, Ed would probably just be restricted to really basic transmutations. He wouldn't be able to do big things and especially not any sort of biological alchemy, I'd reckon...
Full'mea'tal Alchemist says:
Yeah, that makes sense.
C@ says:
Which leaves you to wonder why didn't he bring some damn chalk with him to fix that roof. XD He probably forgot all about actual circles for a while since he's not used them in years or something.
Full'mea'tal Alchemist says:
That must be it. He's gonna have to re-learn all the circles. XD
C@ says:
I bet he sucks and keeps getting them wonky.
Full'mea'tal Alchemist says:
C@ says:
So that's probably it. He can't do alchemy at all 'cause he just sucks at drawing circles.
Full'mea'tal Alchemist says:
He's more useless than Roy now.
C@ says:
Roy'll have a field day with this.
Full'mea'tal Alchemist says:
He'll be knocking things over and breaking them just so he can fix them with clap-alchemy.
C@ says:
He'll just be all "OH SHOOT LET ME GET THAT FOR YOU~! *clap* 8D" "OH MY HOW CLUMSY OF ME~! *claaap*" and oh man, it'd be like when Ed was trying to get attention from Scar before they captured Gluttony...
He'd be sparking all over the place.
Full'mea'tal Alchemist says:
Yes. 8'D