Title: Buenas Noches
Length: 21 pgs, 2 covers (Rough Draft) 8.06MB download-able zip file
Author/Artist: Me
Pairing(s): Szayel, Grimmjow, IlForte/Ulquiorra implied Aizen/Gin
Rating: NC-17 VERY NSFW
Warnings: Non-Consensual, fetishy, blatant porn, whipping and vampirism
Summary: Szayel decides to perform an experiment.
DISCLAIMER: All characters belong to Kubo Tite, from the Bleach manga and anime series.
Read manga style, though one of the pages is formatted differently. I tried to make that page easy to follow despite the mistake. Feel free to critique.
http://www.mediafire.com/?zjzml5et2xe Yes there are blatant character inaccuracies in all but the first page, due to the comic having been made with one look at references. The first page is revised and ready for ink, the rest is not. Art quality got better as the project went on due to having been done on 8.5 by 11 inches (a couple slightly larger) sheets of paper. About a month, working here and there, in production, can't possibly recount the amount of hours spent.
Vampirism scenes can be cut out if you don't like that stuff. The story does not, (hopefully) lose continuity.
Jellyka Castle's Queen Treasure font (writing) copyrite Jellyka on Deviant art.
http://jellyka.deviantart.comRunning Shoe font (spoken words)copyrite Levi
http://www.geocities.com/noimage_2001/Knits and Scraps font (thoughts and actions) copyrite S. John Ross
Arial font (artist notes) copyrite Microsoft (I think).
An Alternate, much more gory and bloody ending has been adapted for Bleachedblackk's Bite Sized Fic challenge here if you are so inclined: