(no subject)

Jul 08, 2004 01:26

This past week has been really weird.

July 2nd, Cal state fullerton in Fullerton, CA

The first band I saw was New Found Glory, I was able to shove my way close to the stage. They have a great live performance. I think I got some good pictures. Then, there weren't any good bands on for like, an hour. so, me and my dad walked around, checking everything out for a while. Pretty boring. Next, we saw Story of the Year. Again, i was able to shove myself close to the front. But, the guy standing in front of me kept looking at me all weird. Soon, I felt like I was gonna faint. (I fainted at a good charlotte concert, didnt want it to happen again.) So I was going over the crowd to get out of the pit. When I was on top of everyone, I felt someone grab me, in a not-so-good place. (Let's just say, it was below the belt, and it wasn't my ass, yeah...) So, that fucker standing in front of my fucking groped me! I was fucking pissed. Me & my dad were looking for him during the whole day to kick his ass. Not to mention, the fucker stole 2 d-rings off of my bondage pants. Assholes...
Anyways, moving on. I dont really remember who I saw next, but I think it was Atmosphere. That guy is fucking awesome. In case you haven't heard of him, he's a rapper. Actually, I think it's kind of a group (the rapper + a dj) & the rappers name is Slug. But anyways, that guy is fucking talented. I like a lot of hip hop music, and this guy is like nothing I have heard before. He is very origional, I wanna get their new cd. So, after that, I think i saw Letter Kills. Damn, the singer of Letter Kills is fucking HOT! I mean, seriously. That guy is fucking sexy. If only it was him that groped me, lol. Then I wouldn't have cared as much, lol. I have no idea what his name is though, lol. They also give a great live performance. This was my 2nd time seeing them. I wanna get their cd when it comes out. So, after that, I got to see Bad Religion. The crowd was fucking huge! What do you expect for fucking bad religion though, right? So, we were fairly far back, and we had a jackass standing in front of us, blocking my view most of the time. I finaly got pissed and told him he was blocking my view, and he left, lol. My dad was really excited to see Bad Religion, though. He was getting pissed at me cuz I wanted to keep watching letter kills when bad religion was starting to play, lol. So yeah, then we waited... We were waiting to see The Casualties, they came on at like, 7:45 I think. We only watched them for like, 20 mins though, cuz Yellowcard started at 8. Yes, some people may think I'm a pussy cuz I left the casualties to see yellowcard, but I dont give a shit. I really like yellowcard. But anyways, the casualties are awesome & give a great live show. I was amazed that I didnt see anyone moshing or anything. The kids must have been pretty fucking tired. As we were leaving to go see yellowcard, I asked my dad if he liked the casualties. He said, no. I just told him that it made me like them even more, lol. So yeah, Yellowcard, I was waiting for them all day. There was a fairly big crowd, so I wasnt too close, but I was really far either. They are great live. I really want to see them again, sometime. But, they said that they were coming back & touring with The Starting Line, and I hate them. So I think I'll wait a little longer, lol. After that, we went home. God, I was tired. My body hurt (and still does hurt) really bad. I also noticed that I got a big scar on my arm that must have been bleeding. oh well. So yeah, that's the story. I still need to get my pictures developed, then I'll scan some & post them on here.

A day after I got home from the warped tour, I went ot hang out with my friends Bri & Amanda, who I havent seen in a year aas they live in Colorado, and dont come out here too often. I stayed there for a few days & got home yesterday (Tuesday.) I had a good time, Bri can drive, so we were going to the mall and stuff. It was pretty cool to get to hang out with a friend, I never get to anymore. I might go to the beach with them for my birthday, too, but I have to ask my mom if that's cool first. She'll probably get pissy & say that I can go, though. Bri & Amanda leave back to Colorado on the 13th, I believe.


During the Warped Tour, my dad got a call from my mom saying that my grandpa was in the hospital. I didnt really get to see my mom when I got home from the warped tour, because she was staying with my grandma. When I came home after staying with Bri & Amanda, my mom came into my room crying. She said that my grandpa was dying. He had a heart attack, a blood clot in his lungs, and his kindeys are failing. She said that he's only alive because he's worried if my grandma wont be alright if he dies. So, my mom & her sisters are going to get my grandma to see him & tell him that she'll be ok. After that, he'll prbably pass away. So yeah. That's not exactly the best fucking thing ever. I mean, this just fucking sucks. I know, he is 82 years old, and it's gonna happen eventually, but why right fucking now? The time when I am actually kind of happy. Why on my fucking birthday? God, this is why I never allow myself to be happy or optomistic. Because, whenevr something good happens 9which is very rare,) something bad always has to happen right after it.

"But they don't know that what you love is ripped away
Before you get a chance to feel it" - Yellowcard "Back Home"

That's how i feel.

I'm gonna go now. Maybe try tp get some sleep.......or kill myself
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