I'm Famous!!

Sep 13, 2005 11:18

Some of you know I've been e-mailing back and forth with Greta Van Susteren for a few months now.  Well today she put one of my e-mails in her blog:

What's in a Name?

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

By Greta Van Susteren

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Today the hearings about the Supreme Court ( search) chief justice nomination really get started in earnest. On Monday, we heard from the U.S. senators in introductory statements, but today we hear from the candidate, Judge John Roberts ( search). The challenge for us at 10 p.m. ET is to cover the hearings in a manner in which you want to watch. That is our job. The topic - who is on the Supreme Court - is immensely important. Unlike our executive and legislative branches, this appointment is for life. The winner of the presidential election has the constitutional duty to appoint the Court... and the U.S. Senate has the constitutional duty to provide "advice and consent."

Incidentally, what is an "activist" judge or justice? In my opinion, it is one who issues a decision or an opinion inconsistent with what the accuser wants or thinks. I consider that remark a nasty slur, whether it be pointed at a liberal leaning or conservative-leaning judge or justice. Yes... both liberal and conservative justices do the same thing - interpret the Constitution! ( search) If you agree with the opinion, it is interpretation... if you don't, it is "activism!" It is fair to assess a judge's court opinions as leaning towards conservative or liberal viewpoints, but the "activist" remark is a political tool just to slam an opponent. Let's stick to the facts and what is... and stop the name-calling. We are better than that.

Each day I receive e-mails from viewers asking about the Natalee Holloway ( search) investigation. Of course we put that topic on hold for a couple weeks while we traveled to the Houston Astrodome and New Orleans ( search). I have spoken to Beth Holloway many times (but briefly) in the last two plus weeks and each conversation begins with Beth telling me how terrible she feels for the people suffering in the Gulf States. In order to bring you up to date on the hunt for Natalee, I have asked Beth to join us for a segment tonight. Frankly, I have been so steeped in the hurricane that I don't know what is going on in the investigation (when I was in New Orleans we had virtually no communication and so I felt like I was in a news vacuum.) I look forward to hearing from Beth what is the latest.

On Monday, I posted a picture of a body floating in the waters in the Ninth Ward in Louisiana. I received many e-mails and grabbed the first ones I saw on the topic:

E-mail No. 1

Thanks for having the fortitude to share what is there in New Orleans. It gives a realistic dimension as to what those people are dealing with. I appreciate not "sugar-coating" the news.
Kenda Shultz
Canby, OR

E-mail No. 2

Dear Greta,
Thank you for your article about the pictures of the dead. I had just e-mailed a friend about that very issue. I for one would like my privacy during my agonizing death and decay. That image in the minds of my children, grandchildren and friends would be a terrible memory of me to leave them with. The fact that I died during the storm should be reality enough. Thank you for addressing this difficult issue in such a humane way and for giving me the option of viewing it or not.
There are Web sites that complain about the media restrictions imposed by authorities from FEMA, etc. Well, sometimes "NO WAY" is the right answer since it protects MY right to privacy too. Any image on TV today goes out to the world and I have family all over the U.S. and friends in other countries. I wouldn't want them to remember me that way.
J Canright
Grand Junction, CO

E-mail No. 3

I wanted to write to thank you for posting that picture on today's blog. I think we should not run away from the true horror of this story, and just as Shep did with his report about the corpse on the side of the road, you treated that man with respect and dignity. I have two very good friends who thankfully evacuated but who have lost virtually everything. They have both told me how much they have appreciated your sensitive and thorough handling of the story of Katrina's aftermath. You and your FNC colleagues can all be proud of the way you've brought the truth home to us. Keep up the great work!
Sandy L.
Washington, D.C.

E-mail No. 4

Good decision on posting the picture of the man that had passed. While very sad and unfortunate, it is another honest view of the real tragic story down there. I get a kick out of the unimportant comments you get from time to time regarding how you sound, what you wear, etc.... so I have to add my own: Get rid of that brown belt! You're hot, the belt is not.
Dallas, TX

E-mail No. 5

I say post it, as long as you cannot see the person's face and could have no way to identify him/her. Perhaps these images will be held in our memories so that when the next "big one" comes (for those of us who live in coastal areas), we will remember that photo, and think of that person who lost their life. I know many here in the Pensacola area who are stubborn, like myself, and refuse to leave our homes when these storms come through. But many of us have started rethinking this stubbornness after seeing the images of post-Hurricane Katrina. So I say show 'em, you may just save someone's life.
Jennifer R.
Pensacola, FL

E-mail No. 6

You have joined the ranks of sleazy journalism... what is the true purpose of posting the picture of a dead person?!? Anyone in America knows how devastating the recent hurricane has been in LA (both the material losses as well as the personal losses on a human basis are devastating beyond comprehension). Greta you have obviously lost touch with reality and are only out for professional gain (e.g. ratings)
Another question comes to mind... Did you also join the ranks with CNN in prompting of your guests to "act" outraged on the air?!?
Where is your journalistic integrity as well as your basic human compassion?
D. Christopher Ferrick
Tucson, AZ

E-mail No. 7

I had a great deal of respect for you. But now, you are no better then the rest of the media. A loved one does not need to see a face to recognize someone!
Houston, TX

E-mail No. 8

I know it took some courage to show the photo of the body. Time magazine also ran a photo of a dead body and you are right... the effect is chilling. It's unfortunate that this scenario will be repeated many times before all of those that were lost are accounted for and given proper burials. I have read many accounts of the money NOT spent on levees, etc. that could have prevented some of the tragedy. Seems like it always come down to the money. When will we decide once and for all that we will do what it takes to keep as many persons from harm as possible? Tough questions, yes, but we have to ask them and look for answers. Keep up the good work.
Dave Wood
Kansas City, MO

E-mail No. 9

Please keep us informed on the Natalee Holloway murder. Are her parents still there or did they give up? What happened to the three girls who were supposed to testify that Joran raped them? We need updates. And, Greta, you should at least personally call Beth and her husband! Have a heart! Thank you.

ANSWER: Not so sure why you are quick to essentially accuse me of not having a heart. I speak to Beth daily, so maybe you jumped the gun on this? In all my calls to Beth she expresses sorrow for the people in the Gulf States and not for herself. She is a very decent woman. And, as an aside, Beth happens to be booked for tonight (but this booking was done long before your note.)

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