more reatrede moments by.. me!

Sep 03, 2004 23:32

okay... well we all officially know im really dumb..but now it gets worse if thats possible ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

hisdorothy September 4 2004, 13:17:34 UTC
lol i love that is sooo funny...............omg I saw Foote at the game he said hi and he called out my name and he also said goodbye to me i was sooo happy and then i also saw other jon but shhhhhhhhh and omg u should i have football player jon he was like getting sooo pissed i was like jon calm down he was like well ionno what he sia but i know he was fucking pissed lol


thevman September 4 2004, 18:28:27 UTC
totally been waiting for that to happen to someone...too bad i don't wear skirts otherwise i would try it...


littledebbie00 September 4 2004, 21:47:26 UTC
well, if its any consolation
i once mooned a strange man in the steak n shake parking lot
not only did he SEE this, but he mentioned it to me!!
"my, its pretty windy out today!"
me : "oh , yeah...hadnt noticed"



this is daniel btw anonymous September 10 2004, 16:50:23 UTC
yup, you are retarded : P


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