I need a distraction.

May 20, 2008 20:36

I've been rewatching season 1 today and OMG, I'm falling in love with this show all over again. Anyway, I felt like being picspammy, so here's some season one Justin/Rebecca goodness. Season two will follow eventually, because, well, I'm obsessed with these two. :)

Rebecca: So you're one of them? His family?

^^Points to lower right picture^^ This is one of my favorite caps of these two EVER. It's just...they've just met and they're laughing together and they're thisclose to each other and...GAH. So gorgeous!

Justin: Did you know a Carter Eston?
Rebecca: Oh, my God, totally.
Justin: He used to date this girl Rebecca.
Rebecca: Yep that was me.
Justin: Okay, I'm oficially freaked out now. I mean, what if we had met?
Rebecca: Oh, the greek tragedy of it all.

This is one of my favorite scenes. They're all totally nuts and I love it. I love how Justin defends Rebecca from Kevin's insane attempts to collect DNA.

Rebecca: Are you really dating Chad Berry?
Kevin: No, uh, yes, I mean...I know him.
Justin: Yeah, like Romeo knows Juliet.
Sarah: Like Sigfreid knows Roy.
Nora: This whole family loves to kid.
Rebecca: So where's the other sister? Kitty? [pause] Hmmm...she didn't want to meet me.
Nora: No, no, no. She had a date with Senator McAllister.
Rebecca: Oh yeah, I read about that too.
Nora: Apparently all of my children have made the gossip columns. I'm not so sure I should be proud of that.

Rebecca: You guys are whack! I mean, seriously, you just pulled a hair out of my head. Oh my God, you are the most insane group of people I've ever met! And don't bother with the test. He's not my dad. He might have been your dad but he was nothing to me. He's still nothing.
Nora: Rebecca-
Rebecca: I appreciate this dinner, Mrs. Walker, but I'm not a part of this family. I never will be.

Rebecca: What are you doing later, J?
Justin: Wow, what are we up to nicknames? I don't know, R, what are you doing?


Justin: I'd rather go to a movie. You wanna go to a movie?
Rebecca: Ah, you cannot be that lame. You look like a hardcore partier.
Justin: That's kinda the problem. Till recently, my partying has been knd of drug dependent.
Rebecca: So, who cares?
Justin: You're not freaked out?
Rebecca: It's not like you're the only guy I know with addiction problems. It's LA. You throw a rock and you hit someone who's workin' the steps.
Justin: It's like my first party - like, first real party, since rehab, that's all.
Rebecca: Well if your newly discovered half sister wasn't enough to make you fall off the wagon I don't think anything else will.
Justin: I'm kinda used to being the bad influence around here.
Rebecca: There's a new black sheep in town, J, get used to it.

Justin in big brother mode makes me hawt. He punched random dude while defending Rebecca. Seriously hot.

Justin: God, you're wasted. All right, look, let's get you home and get you a cup of coffee.
Rebecca: Don't start getting all big brotherly with me. You'll freak me out even more.
Justin: Whoa, whoa, whoa, come on. Can we just call it a night at this point, Rebecca?
Rebecca: It's really sweet of you to try to be all protective. It's the Walker thing. You guys all take care of each other. But I didn't have the all American, apple pie, earnest mom and pop, sixteen siblings.

These next two are more sibling scenes than J/R but they're still pretty fun.

Rebecca: This is a Walker, isn't it?

Rebecca: Okay, I never really had brothers and sisters so i don't know how big families work. Um maybe this is the normal thing to do...you know, just do things in a clump. You all get together, solve problems....
Kevin: No, no. We tend to make things worse and then blame each other.
Sarah: Yeah, that's pretty much how it works.

Kitty: Rebecca, I'm sorry that this is so awkward.
Rebecca: That's all right. I'm getting used to it.

Game Night is one of my top three episodes, easy. I laugh the whole way through it. This scene where Rebecca overhears Kitty's words but then that little smile that Justin and Rebecca share? Awe, melts my heart.

Justin: I'm trying to tell Kitty that if she scrapes off the icicles, she might actually like Rebecca.
Kitty: I don't deserve that. I am not icicly. I'm just careful, and you're just gonna have to forgive me if I am too tired of dealing with Dad's mistakes to take the latest one out for tea!

I was never very fond of the whole Rebecca/Joe kiss storyline but there's still lots of Justin/Rebecca prettiness.

Justin: Come on, I'm your...I'm your big brother. This is the job description. I have to help you when something's wrong.


Justin: You can't tell me that my brother-in-law made a pass at you and then tell me to forget it. I'm sorry but I can't do that.
Rebecca: You promised me you wouldn't say anything.
Justin: But why are you protecting him?
Rebecca: Justin, this has nothing to do with Joe. I mean, seriously, do you have any idea what it's like being around your family? It's terrifying. It's like they're just waiting for me to screw up so they can hate me like they hate my mom.

Rebecca: I knew your family wouldn't believe me, but I thought that you would.

Nora: Rebecca, you're welcome here. You're family.

Rebecca: Justin, I practically broke up their marriage and now I'm at your other sister's engagement party. It's a little bazaar.


Rebecca: I'm gonna miss you, Justin.
Justin: I'm gonna miss you, too.

So, after I do the season two spam, should I go through and spam the eps, starting at the beginning? Will that help ease the pain of not having new eps until the fall?

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