Letters to Mamma

Aug 21, 2008 01:06

I just found this old card that I coloured in for my Mum when I was a little tyke.

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Comments 2

aedia August 21 2008, 01:27:07 UTC
"expensive mummy". LOL.

you probably meant "caro" which means "dearest" or "beloved" depending on context.

I learnt italian in grade 4! and picked it up again in uni. still can't speak it though... I always get "cane" and "carne" mixed up, which is not good because one is "meat" and the other is "dog"...


slowdownlondon August 21 2008, 02:10:58 UTC
aahhhh, that makes a lot more sense.
yes, i probably meant that.

but still, I don't remember knowing how to say anything!


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