Title: We Raced the Sunset (And We Almost Won)
Rating: PG-13
denig37Written for:
spnslashbigbangDisclaimer: I do not own Supernatural
Pairing: Dean/Cas
Word Count: 17,700
Warnings: Piracy, baby. Some mild violence, people say 'fuck'
Spoilers: I'm using the names Castiel, Gabriel and Balthazar, but really, this AU is kinda spoiler-free.
(Click on the picture to give
rubystandish some love over at deviantart)
Summary: Pirate AU. Dean is the sole survivor after a pirate attack before he is saved by another crew of pirates. At first he hurries to escape, but the ship's doctor Castiel won't let him leave until he is healed. Then again, maybe the pirate life isn't so bad after all. Especially not when Dean has Castiel to take care of him.
Features captain Gabriel, stormy seas and a real treasure hunt where x marks the spot.
The title is from Rise Against's song "Audience of One"
PART TWO Spread the love on Tumblr PDF There is a second part to this verse, written for the
gabriel_bigbang. It's both Dean/Cas and Sam/Gabriel and set a few years after this. This is really me being shameless and hoping that if you enjoyed this you'll read that on too. "A Road That Takes Me Home" can be found
here. A/N:
Whew, I almost didn't make the deadline for this one. I had double school work, a theatre show, Christmas and a few other big bangs. Still, I pushed on and this is what I created during December month. Now I would like to thank a bunch of people who helped me out with Mission: Impossible.
Sammy, my Sammy,
get_themilkjawn. My light in the darkness, my partner in crime tv-watching at 2 am, the Sam to my Dean, the John to my Sherlock and my -insert cheesy phrase here-. No really, she's really my sis Linnea who, well, she is the Sam to my Dean. She's helping me constantly and this bang wasn't an exception. Also, I promised to give her an honorary mention since she gave the pirate ship its name in true SuperWho spirit.
As mentioned, this is the second fic written for this verse (though it's set first) and
denig37 have been an ever so helpful cheerleader for both of them and I have loved working with her. Back and forth the ideas bounced. All in all, she has been supportive and a great friend.
Then we have
greensan who is the reason I pushed through at the very end. She supported me on MSN for days in a row and cracked the whip when it was needed. Thanks a bunch, Chopper! :3
rubystandish has created some really nice art, but she can't post to her journal, so please go over to
deviantart and give her some love.
Now go read the fic and check-out the art that comes with it because I am out of here with a last "thank you"!