Title: Slow Decay
Fandom: Avenged Sevenfold
Characters/Pairings: Brian/Zacky; Jimmy/Brian
Rating: NC-17 overall
Warnings: AU Death (Jimmy's, among others); Language; Heavy alcohol abuse; Gore and violence
Summary: Sometimes it's a little more complex than Until death do we part.
Disclaimer: The following is a work of fiction, a tangled web of lies from a girl with no life. No profit is being made and no harm is intended. Move along.
Author's Note: The following is a work in progress. I'll try to update it as often as I can, but muses are a fickle thing that like to dance in and out of my brain. Once it get's further into chapters (I plan at least 15) I will post the soundtrack I've made up to go along with it/has inspired me to write it.
Writing this story is a little difficult for me, as all A7X fans I am still mourning Jimmy's death. But this story has been nagging at my brain for a while now and so bear with me if my updates take a while as I'm probably being an emotional little thing and getting weepy. FYI; keep kleenex handy. I hope I don't disappoint with the fact that it's A/U.
The title is taken from the Dashboard Confessional song.
Prologue Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three