Title: Willow's Savior
Category: TV Shows » Buffy: The Vampire Slayer
Author: Slrmn82
Language: English, Rating: Rated: T
Genre: Romance/Adventure
Published: 02-12-03, Updated: 06-23-03
Part 4
"What do you mean I'm not acting like bait?" I overheard Buffy ask Giles over the surveillance microphone as they walked the street that night hoping to attract the demon. Xander, Spike and I were at Giles' house listening as they walked around Sunnydale.
"Does bait usually walk around carrying an axe?" Giles asked. "At least drop it off on your porch when we walk by there."
"Alright, but if I get impaled by the demon, it's all your fault." Buffy groused.
"Well then we'll just have to make sure that it simply kidnaps you before it can think to impale you."
"Why doesn't she just bugger the bloody sod, and save us all a bloody headache?" Spike questioned rather suddenly.
"Who?" I asked somewhat confused. He couldn't mean Buffy and Giles, could he?
"The Slayer and her Watcher. It's Bloody obvious."
"Giles and Buffy?" Xander exclaimed. "Are you out of your mind, fangless?"
"The git's in love with her." Spike stated exasperatedly. "Please tell me you're not that oblivious."
"Of course he cares about her, but that's because he's her watcher, isn't it?" I asked.
"Yeah, I mean he's never said anything." Xander stated.
"At the rate Rupes is going they'll both be dead and in the ground before he makes his move." Spike sneered, looking disgusted with them all.
"Oh, you're one to talk, Spike." Xander snorted. "Love's bitch. Isn't that what you said?"
"Oy, mate!" Spike exclaimed. "Don't know what your bloody talk-"
He was interrupted by Giles' scream as the demon attacked him and Buffy.
"Buffy!" Giles yelled trying to attack the demon who had appeared out of nowhere. "Behind you."
They both 'fought' quite convincingly, looking desperate and scared. Once Giles was knocked out of the way, the demon grabbed Buffy and disappeared with her still 'struggling' in his arms.
A little less than ten minutes later Giles rushed through his front door looking panicky.
"Did we get a trace of where hew took her?"
"Yes." Xander said looking at a small screen he held in his hand while the others gathered weapons and the battle axe. "He's entering the warehouse district with Buffy now. Come on."
No demons or vampires went after them that night, perhaps because of their grim looking countenance or because of the weapons they carried as they strode down the street. One thing was for certain, the White Hats were on the offensive.
As they entered the abandoned warehouse, Xander and Giles took the front entrance, while Spike and I entered through the left side. What we saw once we all got down to the ground level was quite disturbing. The Codra was attempting to chain Buffy to the wall next to the other girls, surrounded by an alter-like structure, complete with a sacrificial platform and restraints.
Just as it seemed as if Buffy may have gotten the best of the demon temporarily, he knocked her clear off her feet with an upper-cut to her chin and she collapsed in a heap at his feet. Before the demon could do further damage to the Slayer we all rushed forward and attacked.
Xander with his battle axe, Giles with a Scottish claymore that he just so happened to have laying around, me with the blade that would supposedly kill it, and Spike who was trying to beat it to a pulp with his bare hands.
We didn't do enough damage however, before the demon batted us away like we were merely recalcitrant playthings, haphazardly knocking us across the room. We were still groggily getting to our feet when the Codra demon began spewing more of that green mist he is so partial to, causing us all to start coughing and become extremely light-headed.
The only one of us who wasn't adversely affected by the gas was Spike who took advantage of this fact, by trying to behead the little bugger. Unfortunately, he missed his target by inches, getting clawed across the chest for his trouble, although the now heavily bleeding demon did stop making the noxious mist before it was knocked away from the vampire.
Once the effects of the mist were out of my system, I looked around only to find Spike lying in a pool of his own blood unmoving, a couple of feet away from where Buffy was shakily getting to her feet. Woozily, I made my way to where Spike was lying.
"Spike!" I shook him anxiously. He was still alive, although his skin had acquired an unhealthy gray tinge to it. "Come on, baby. Don't do this to me." I begged, not noticing the tears that were falling down my cheeks, nor the angry demon heading straight in my direction.
"Willow, look out!" Buffy screamed frantically, causing my to look up only to see the Codra demon baring down on me, too late for me to evade it.
I saw a blonde splotch flash by from the corner of my vision as I curled up waiting for the killing blow to strike. It never came.
After a minute in a prone position on the floor over Spike with my eyes tightly clenched in fright I cautiously looked up after hearing the sounds of a fight. I saw Buffy beating the living snot out of the demon, while trying to use the blade to her advantage. Before long, the only thing left of the demon was a pile of green goop where it's head used to be. After I made sure the others were alright, Xander had already unchained a bruised Anya, and Giles was just starting to get to his feet, my attention focused once again on Spike.
If possible he looked even worse than before. His skin was the color of ash and he was lying in an ever expanding pool of his own blood.
"Giles." I exclaimed panicking, not wanting to touch him lest he turn to dust in my hands. Hearing my cry the others rushed to my side, looking at Spike in disbelief. "Help him."
"The wound is too deep for his natural healing abilities to work on their own." Giles explained, kneeling at Spike's side examining the wound. "He needs blood, and lots of it."
"The butcher." Xander exclaimed, already getting to his feet.
"No time." Giles responded grimly.
"Give me the axe, Buffy." I ordered, feeling strangely determined.
"Wills, you can't." Buffy begged.
"He needs blood now, or he'll die!" I screamed hysterically. "Give me the damn axe."
"I'm afraid that with the amount of blood Spike needs, he may have to drain you to heal." Giles announced.
"Well, we don't have any other options. We have no more time."
"Damn it!" Cursed Buffy, looking faint. "Go first Wills, as soon as you look like you'll pass out, I'll take over."
"Buffy!" I exclaimed. "I don't want you to get hurt too."
"If that's not enough we'll all chip in." Xander reassured me. "The blonde menace just better appreciate it."
I finally agreed looking at Anya and Giles' agreement, I just hoped that everyone made it out okay. Using the enchanted blade to carefully cut my wrist I placed the dripping wound on Spike's closed mouth. The blood just dribbled down his chin with no response from the injured vampire. Grabbing the back of Spike's head I ground his mouth into the wound harshly, ignoring the pain it caused me.
"Damn it, Spike!" I whimpered. "By the Goddess, please drink."
Slowly, so slowly in fact that I didn't notice it at first, Spike began to suckle at the wound. It was the single most erotic feeling of my life. I couldn't take too much of the pleasure/pain before my vision started to blur and I got light-headed. Just as I was about to loose consciousness, I was pulled away and I vaguely felt someone gently wrapping my wrist in cloth. They were saying something, but I couldn't understand due to the pounding in my ears. After a few seconds I closed my eyes and my world fell into darkness.