Step 1: Put your MP3 player or whatever on random.
Step 2: Post your favorite lyrics.
Step 3: Post and let everyone you know guess what song and artist the lines come from.
Step 4: Italicize the songs when someone guesses correctly.
Step 5: Looking them up on Google or any other search engine is CHEATING!
1. So you quote love unquote me
Well, stranger things have come to be
But let's agree to disagree
2. She was into S&M and Bible studies,
Not everyone's cup of tea she would admit to me
Her cup of tea, she would admit to no one
3. Don't say a word
The last one's still stinging
Back of my mind, I hear that phone ringing
And there is no way back from this.
4. They'll name a city after us
And later say it's all our fault
Then they'll give us a talking to
Then they'll give us a talking to
Cause they've got years of experience.
5. We are vain and we are blind
I hate people when they're not polite.
6. One day we'll look upon our washed up Atlantic
Get our kicks on an ocean of antics
And making history has never been so easy.
7. But if I could tear his throat,
Spill his blood between my jaws,
And erase his name for good,
Don't you know that I would?
8. 'Cause life will take that little heart, and bring you to your knees
Threatening to break it for the final time
And you'll believe it, yes, you will believe it
9. October damp on down the street: remember?
The sodden leaves stuck to your feet: remember?
You knew it wouldn’t be too soon; we’ll have to wait until it's June.
10. And I can't face the evening straight
You can offer me escape
Houses move and houses speak
If you take me there you'll get relief
11. While she did wing through arial places,
A red oak tree grew under her feet,
And when the world had started its taking,
She lit amongst its loftier leaves.
12. Февраль. Достать чернил и плакать!
Писать о феврале навзрыд,
Пока грохочущая слякоть
Весною черною горит.
13. Oh, I can't help quoting you
Because everything that you said rings true
And now in my cell
(well, I followed you)
And here's a list of who I slew
14. He’s got the looks you know, but not from his dad.
15. You need me (need me), and I need you (don't you know)
Without each other there ain't nothing people can do
16. This is one for the good days
And I have it all here in red blue green
In red blue green
17. They might be psycho killers
But tonight I really don't care
So I say turn up the music
Take me home or take me anywhere
18. All the boys and all the girls, cutting ice with instant thrills
Insects on incest friends, heaven dust that Judas spilled.
19. Beautiful girl lovely dress
High school smiles oh yes
Beautiful girl lovely dress
Where she is now I can only guess
20. Ever since I was a boy I've been a brooding basket case.