Why has no one thought of this before? Apparently, we're far too civil, even in the face of amoral terrorists like "pro-lifers." Via AlterNet,
one man shows that you can remain civil while still giving the forced-birther bullies a taste of their own medicine.
Rachel Maddow Talks to Victim of Anti-Choice Bullying Who's Bravely Fighting Back
Score one for Team Pro-Choice! Todd Stave, the landlord who owns the property in which abortion provider LeRoy Carhart operates his practice, became the subject of some particularly egregious anti-choice bullying recently. Protesters posted his personal information online, asking individuals to call Stave and urge him to stop renting to Dr. Carhart. Even worse, they set up shop outside his daughter's middle school during back-to-school night, flying a banner that read "Todd Stave: Please Stop the Child Killing" and included his phone number.
Rather than be intimidated or back down from this bullying, Stave chose to give anti-choicers a taste of their own medicine. He started taking down the names and phone numbers of the people who called him in protest and had volunteers call those people back to "thank them for their thoughts and tell them, 'No, he will not be shutting Dr. Carhart down,'" Rachel Maddow reported last night. (Legally, he couldn't do that even if he wanted to.) Stave also set up a website that responds to anti-abortion protesters and offers resources for victims of their bullying.
Watch Maddow discuss, and then interview, Stave right here:
Todd Stave has also founded
Voice of Choice to provide a forum for this new and effective counter-protest method. I'm volunteering and also donating. Please join me if you are so inclined to push back against forced-birther bullying in a civil, peaceful manner.