You are so dead. Because you phoned up Hannah, she hid her diary, and then she tortured me with pranks. First she put those really really hot chillis in my dinner. I know you helped her with that one Race. I just know it was you
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Merry Christmas everyone! Just jumped on in between opening prezzies and getting ready for christmas lunch. Hannah's here too, because our parents shooed us away
We have mistletoe in the hallway...*hints to Blink*
[Hannah]...ok so I'm moving that mistletoe to somewhere I won't accidently walk in on you
I failed my chemistry test. I happen to have the worst teacher in the school for science. He seems to think that his crappy subject comes before everything. Now he's having me suspended from Hockey unless I can get a B in his retake. A B! To get a B I would have to understand the subject. Which I don't At all. Now if it were the kind of chemistry
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So yeah You were all right. I got into the hockey team ^^ We've got a decent team this year. We might be able to win some games this year. Last years team sucked. They made an art out of losing >> I swear they forgot whose goal was whose.