Spoilers. And doesn't that remind you of River Song. Ugh.
I actually thought Donna was the TARDIS for a whole 30 seconds. Then, at the climactic scene with Davros about to destroy the whole world... I completely forgot about Donna and Doctor #2. It was so shocking to see them pop up!
At some points, I really hate Rose Tyler. This is balanced by the points at which I really love her, but BadWolfBay2 was not her most shining moment. What kind of BS ultimatum was that!? The Doctor never could have said "I love you" even if he wanted to. He was trying to push her toward his other self and she just let him. She should have at least said goodbye (with a nice snog) to the Doctor(1), even if Rose and Doc2 had to stay. Alas. Give him some sort of happy memories, please!
Isn't it funny how everyone else seems to have the ability to see into the future except the TIME LORD? [Even the Ood-!!]
After everything, the Doctor is still alone. Everyone else has someone, but not him. =(
DARN YOU RTD, even happy endings have to by angsty to the Doctor, don't they?! Eventually, he's gonna just snap, and then they'll have to bring Rose back or invent a new 'love' character to put the pieces back together.
*Glares at Doctor1* He should have just kept Doc2 and Rose WITH him! OT3!
I'm sad to see RTD leave((and Phil Collinson(sp?))), but at least Moffet doesn't kill quite so many people in his episodes ((or, he doesn't kill anyone in his episodes...)) so that'll make the Doctor more happy. Hopefully. He needs SOME sort of happiness. =(
Also, I don't like Moffet. He gave us both the most and least shippy parts of the new season, pre-season4. I'll never forgive him for Lady in the Fireplace.
I also loved the ending. It was heartrending and lonely. If only that trailer wasn't there to ruin the moment!