(no subject)

Aug 09, 2007 16:47

Well, Livejournal says it's been 13 weeks since I last updated so I don't know if anyone out there is actually going to read this but what the hell. I'm planning to get going again (in terms of being active online) and join some new communities so this is a good start.

Dealing with real life took over all my energy for a while here. I graduated! Finishing my Master's thesis was one of the most (if not the most) stressful things I've ever done. Beyond trying to fit 2 years of work into one coherent piece and defend the work I did to a group of uber-smart PhD's, I had to deal with the formatting police who yelled at me for some of my margins being .5 of an inch too big. Bastards. But anyhow, I did it, went to my graduation ceremony to make my parents happy, and then went right into packing up my life and moving over 500 miles. Currently all my stuff is in storage and I'm staying with my family. Surreal? Yeah, just a bit. And, in summary, I now have no real job (I'm doing some childcare), no apartment, and no boyfriend. Great, huh?

Beyond the wonderful triad in my life I also put on a ton of weight since I've disappeared. I'm not exactly sure how much as I'm terrified to weigh myself but I'd guess around 15 lbs, bringing me up to 140. At 5'9" that's positively disgusting and my size 4's are super tight :( It was bound to happen with all the stress and nights with no sleep but still (here come the details, I won't be offended if you skip the rest of this paragraph)... I ate a whole box of Cinnamon Toast Crunch one night (*gag*). Not to mention the fact that I started purging a lot more than I have in years. I spent a good deal of my brother's birthday in June upstairs purging before going back to eat more pizza and cake. Ugh.

Anyways, I'm fat. I just got back from visiting a friend for 10 days in Chicago though and she told me I made her feel like a pig as I fell back on my safety net of a small salad or some fruit for lunch and picking at my dinner. We walked everywhere too and my body definitely looks better since I've gotten back. I'm trying to be good here with my family, even though it's hard. My mom and my dad are both doing Weight Watcher's but there's still plenty of high cal foods around that I'd love to binge on. I'm sticking to under 1000 calories a day and working out daily too at the gym I joined (either cardio and weight machines or pilates or power yoga or some combo of those).

So finally, I'm going to be 115, no more excuses. Oh, and I have to have root canals, probably due to my years of purging. Awesome.
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