Oh cool! You actually have provided me with a way to blog your progress! That's a healthy idea. Consider joining fitness pal too! AND as hard as it is, post a picture of your fatness to track your weight loss! http://www.myfitnesspal.com/ Add Julie Linda - she's doing really well on it
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I'm not sure if either of you care and I AM aware that I am just meager Sarah and not God nor am I experience true pain; the pain He feels. However, I was driving down the road today looking for the "Y" which I never found. Anyway, I was driving down the road and I was thinking completely out of the Blue (which probably means God was whispering
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Oh okay - I didn't have time to even check. I had the interview (2 hrs), came home to write the Thank You card and had to tweak an assignment EF Tours gave me. I'd be working for Go Ahead Tours - a division of EF Tours and I did the assignment for EF Tours and a little for Go Ahead. It needed to be just for Go Ahead. Whoops! The lady was great and
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LOL 7pm is dedication they can have- not us! We've got to have other things in our lives to balance us out! Good for them though. The CE needs a lot of help
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Good. Remember the emotions can be assuaged by just opening your mouth and communicating so take action and have courage. DON'T GO INTO VICTIM MODE which you are more susceptible to when you're around someone like Dave. In fact, my initial thought when I read your email was noticing how you responded like Pam/Werner and those type of people (Gloom
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