(no subject)

Jan 25, 2008 23:16

Title: You Already Know How This Will End
Fandom: Lost
Characters/Pairings: Jack/Alex.
Word Count: 437
Rating: R
Prompt: Day 3: Colors at 
lostsquee  and for 
Summary: He has no idea why she sets her sights on him.

He’s never been anyone’s first time.

Not Jenny Ledbetter’s, junior year of high school, or Sarah’s, three months after he fixed her. Certainly not any of the girls in between the two.

But Alex is young. She’s young (too young for the likes of him) and rebellious and maybe just a bit curious.

He has no idea why she sets her sights on him. The way he sees it he figures Sawyer is probably a better candidate for this sort of tryst. Jack has never been about the physical, not really. He tried that, in Phuket, and it didn’t really do much for him.

Of course, it probably doesn’t much matter what he wants. Alex seems to know how to get what she wants - whether others want to cooperate or not. She screwed over the man who she’d been told was her father - to save them nonetheless - and never seemed to look back.

Maybe that’s what this comes down to. Maybe this is her rebelling against Ben. Fucking the unofficial leader of the other side. That’s one way under daddy’s skin.

And as sick, as twisted, as the whole idea is, he’s kind of drawn to her because of it.

Just one more thing to beat himself up about later.

Her skin is weathered under his hands, way more than any sixteen year old’s should ever be, lightly bronzed in a way that speaks of days, years now, spent out in the sun. Her lips are soft, experienced all the same, and the way she’s kissing him almost makes him believe that she isn’t nervous about this at all. Nervous that he’ll push her away. Nervous about the outcome of this.


He can’t help but think that Ben is two houses down, held captive now that they’ve taken over Otherville. He can’t help but think that Kate and Juliet aren’t that far either. He can’t help but let his mind wander, until she pulls back with an “are we going to do this or not?” that sounds so much more confident and forceful than she probably is.

So he’ll kiss her back, take her clothes off, show her how it’s done, and then most likely regret it every day for the rest of his life. But this is going to happen one way or another, and he just doesn’t have the fight left in him right now. Failed rescue attempts, failing everyone, has gotten to his head. At least this is something else to obsess about.

The problem with first times though, as she’s about to learn, is they’re never all they’re cracked up to be.

table: un_love_you, ship: lost: jack/alex, character: lost: alex, fandom: lost, !fic, character: lost: jack

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