Yey! This Sunday was the Despairs Ray show. *__*
So I was waiting for the C train and I met up with ugly_kitties (actually it wasn't intentional, it just so happens she was on that same train) and her friends, and we kinda got lost a little, but we ended up finding it. :D
So we waited on line, wehre I saw Miiko and Stan, so we all waited together (oh and in this time period, my boobs were renamed, as Stans boob, and lala, and they apprarently beling to her now (wtf?)) Soo much fun, and we saw a bunch of batsu/myspace people, including that girl with the hot azn girlfriend (who took those photoshoots) XD but the girlfriend wawsn't there... Damn she was hot IRL. actually, like EVERYONE on line was effin hot. *__* it was ridiculous. ~__~ and I swear you could've fed a third whilrd country with the amount of h.naoto, sexpot and hellcatpunx i saw there. @_@ Fuck whatever you name it,. it was there. So we asked this uber hot Mana cosser for a light (while surreptiously ogling her) and yeah...UNF UNF UNF. ^O^. oKKE, so we finall get inside (wtfux at like 8 when the doors were supposed to open at fucking 6:30) and these opening bands played. They weren't THAT bad but ~__~ everyone there was there for Despa, so they didn't get much response...This weird emo guy played...and I mean he was good but wtf...wrong crowd? lol nobody was into his music at all and he had to say "can you at least fucking clap?" awww i felt sorry for him....
Then some band called Trashlight Vision came on (I think they were supposed to be headlining, but they played less songs than despa, wtf). Yeah they were all majorly hot *__* wtfux...and the lead threw glitter into the crowd. :D much fun. we were dodging when he started spitting water though. ew. So yeah to get to the front, me and MIiko encouraged the lead singer from this other band while they were playing to crowdsurf, which of course caused chaos, and using that to our advantage, slipped up to front left. ^^ These stupid bitches in front row started complaining and shit, and pushing us, and Miiko and me kept on arguing with them. they wanted us to move back and not only could we NOT, we weren't GOING to. THis girl in back of us put it quite aptly when she started yelling "WTF just becuase she's fuckign Japanese, everyone moves back when she says so? FUCK THAT SHIT" lololol!! age for fucking truth man...To bad that japanese girl was such a whiny bitch, she was hot. Yep yep. And her friend kept on talkign loud (not directly to us, but we could tell it was directed to us) cursing and shit and me and Miiko were like "OOH PROFANITY. I'M SO SCARED." So finally after pushing one to many times, I snapeed and screamed on one of them. (At this point I sorta turned into the angry-to-the-point-of-almost-being-ghetto Rei) those of you who were there when that FUCKER threw a bottle at me in FL will know what I mean.. And of course after that, she shut the fuck up. Stupid pussy. WTF this is a rock show. of course you're going to get pushed if you're in front row. If you can't handle it, GTFO, wuss. Jeezus, bitches act like they've never been to a live. I don't know how they do it in Japan but in America we fucking MOSH AND PUSH. >:/
Any way, eventually me and Miiko end up literally sitting ON thes tage, me kinda kneeling on the end and she was sitting in between my legs and then Despa came out and WHOO!! we were so effin close, zero's shoes were like effin bumping my knee XD. So yesh the insane screaming and jumping begins (and someone pulls out that stupid japanese girl's fake ponytail..LAWL!! me and miiko were DYING laghing. She looked like she was going to cry. GOOD.) LOL.
so it started off with Born, and everyone was head mashing and jumping around and such. greatness. Then after a while they played yam ni furu kiseki T__T. okay. I am love with that song. Its so romantic and sad and they were playing it and it was like (ToT) It was nicebecause at the end, he stopped singing and we were yelling out the lyrics XD. Zero gave me a suprrised look when he heard me singing like the loudest haha XD (, nanda sono gajin nihongo wo shabeta darou O__o) heehee. and the crowd got reallly wild, especially during "tatoeba kimi ga shindara" O__O i thought everyone's head was gonna fall off from the headbanging hahaha
So yeah everyone got to feel them up O__o especially hizumi (the lead singer) who kept on goin to the font and sticking his hips out so the crowd could feel up his crotch (lawl wtf?) sooo, near the middle of the concert, Zero starts spitting water at the crowd and it was funny cuz when Trashlight Vision did it everyone was like "ewww! dodge!" but when zero spat it everyone was like O__O OMFG ZERO SPIT! (wtf lol) So me and miiko got most of it cuz we were right in the front, and then he actually knelt down and put his bottle cap in Miiko's mouth. She was spazzing out it was so cute. oh and she got a pick. THen the girl at the front was bitching about fangirls and we're like WTF if your not a fangirl then what are you doing here? GTFO. But besides her...unf unf unf unf, it was sooo good. XD The guy workign there looked suprised to see a japanese band have so much of a fanbase...he had to save Zero from being pulled into the crowd and raped (O__o) cuz he accidentally leaned out to far...
At first I was taking pictures but then I was just like ugh. fuck it. me:*stared at zero*
zero: *stared back*
me: :D
lol although he couldn't help it, i was like right in his face. O__o I had to fight NOT to touch his bass strings so I woudln't mess him up while playing...since the crowd kept pushing me forweard...Miiko was like practically in his crotch, O__o its not as fun as it sounds actually, my legs got like crusehd T__T i have bruises and a gash on my knee. T_____T damn savages. XD. so afterward we took a cab home and was just like ^o^ *shellshocked*. \m/
oh yeah. i got zero's earring. must've fell out. woot.
me and miiko before the show waiting on line O__o as usual my face was being weird...
who we were with...the red head is ugly_kitties and stan and blah blah people. lol
the lead singer for trashlight vision. O__o he was all types of hot and was rather nice considering it was them headlining and all the fans were for despa...he hyped the crowd up for them XD
zero while headbanging XD
more zero!
i didn't get that many of karyu cuz he was on the other side of the stage most of the time.
more hizumi
poor tsukasa...i couldn't get any good pictures of him!
Well after that my camera ran out of batteries cuz it was stupid...i'll update wiht more pix after miiko sends me hers, i think she got better ones. XD
my ears are still ringing. >_< its annoying.