I know! We are actually working on a piece in theatre class that comes from that book called "Can you hear them crying?" Its VERY good! We have also started production with "I Never Saw Another Butterfly" on January 25th we are doing a Holocaust rememberance day tribute...It will be very exciting! :-)
they probably don't really talk about it because our society still puts down gays and won't give them rights so its like "lets not bring any light to our own actions please. thank you." i mean, who makes history books ya know?
The sad thing is that the list DOES go longer. hundreds of thousands to millions of gypsies were placed in camps and victim to genocide.
And to think that we may soon witness the same numbers of victims from the Holocaust and compare it to the atrocities and genocide in places like Darfur. People promised they wouldn't let a nightmare like the Holocaust happen again... but they turn a blind eye once again.
I guess its a forgotten statistic because it fits into all of the others. maybe? I don't know. like... The gay men also claimed to be Jewish or Catholic (hypocracy) or whatever, so they just fell into a different subset.
but it's an amazing point, really. No one ever thinks about the other groups of people that the Holocaust targeted. there's a quote, actually, that first helped me to realize that the Jews weren't alone in persecution, it goes something like:
"They came for the Catholics and I said nothing, for I was no catholic. They came for the Communists, and I said nothing, for I was no communist. They came for the Jews, and I said nothing, for I was no Jew. Now they're coming for me, and there's no one left to say anything."
Also, on a side note: there's a song by a band called Say Anything. it's all about having sex while the Gestapo go door to door in the ghettos to kill people. It's realy weird. not that it's really relevant to anything, oh well...
Comments 5
our one-act for conference takes place during the holocaust.
it's about the terezin ghetto/concentration camp.
it's sad.
<3 Austin
hundreds of thousands to millions of gypsies were placed in camps and victim to genocide.
And to think that we may soon witness the same numbers of victims from the Holocaust and compare it to the atrocities and genocide in places like Darfur. People promised they wouldn't let a nightmare like the Holocaust happen again... but they turn a blind eye once again.
but it's an amazing point, really. No one ever thinks about the other groups of people that the Holocaust targeted. there's a quote, actually, that first helped me to realize that the Jews weren't alone in persecution, it goes something like:
"They came for the Catholics and I said nothing, for I was no catholic. They came for the Communists, and I said nothing, for I was no communist. They came for the Jews, and I said nothing, for I was no Jew. Now they're coming for me, and there's no one left to say anything."
Also, on a side note: there's a song by a band called Say Anything. it's all about having sex while the Gestapo go door to door in the ghettos to kill people. It's realy weird. not that it's really relevant to anything, oh well...
also, one last side note: I MISS YOU.
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