Um, yeah, I am bored b/c the stuff I am reading today is doing nothing for my muse. Booness.
So, a survey.
1. Can you walk around your house @ night with the lights off and not run into anything?
Not really, because there's always something random laying around that I'd end up running into. Plus, I'm clumsy and run into things even when the lights are on. :p
2. Ever put off emailing for over a month?
Haha, I've put off responding to comments for over a month . . . So sorry about that, guys. I'm awful.
3. Ever received a "why don't you write me?"
4. Ever taken your frustration/bad mood out on others?
We all do it. Doesn't mean I like it.
5. Ever had a huge argument and then realized that you were wrong?
I tend to not have huge arguments with people because I don't like conflict. At all.
6. Ever left things the way they were just because it would be harder to resolve it?
Yeah. I'm kinda lazy sometimes . . .
7. Ever thought someone was "hopeless?"
8. Ever been so dazed that you take a drink of water but completely miss your mouth?
LMAO, of course. This is ME we're talking about. :p
9. Ever dropped your toothbrush in the toilet?
No, thank God.
10. Have you ever dropped something in the toilet that you HAD to retrieve?
I don't think so.
11. Ever driven off from the gas station without closing the gas thing?
I don't drive.
12. Can you sleep better at night or during the day?
Generally, at night. I tend to have weird ass dreams during the day. Of course, I have those at night, too, but weirder ones during the day.
13. Do you print out pictures of celebrities/musicians off of the Internet?
14. Have you ever entered an art contest?
Um, technically yes, if you count the Conservation Poster contests in middle school (I even got first place in the county one year! Go me!).
15. Do you remember the Lisa Frank phase?
Hahaha, omg, hell yes. I had folders and pencils and stickers . . .
16. Is your favourite colour evident by the clothes you wear?
A majority of the time, oh yeah.
17. Coats and sweaters or tank tops and bathing suits?
Sweaters and tank tops. :p
18. Do you think everyone should have a significant other during the winter months?
WTF. Stupid question. :p People can do whatever the fuck they want to do.
19. Is there a movie that you can really relate to?
Oh geez, I have no idea.
20. Ever found lyrics to a song that almost exactly describes you?
Mmhmmm, or my feelings towards people. ("Elsewhere" and "Time" by Sarah McLachlan, yes.)
21. Ever go to a "place of business" so often that costumers think you work there?
What are "costumers"? :p No, but I sure do frequent Festival a lot.
22. Would you go to a strip club to watch members of the opposite sex? Same sex?
Yes and maybe. ;) (Teresa will like that second one. :p But that maybe is only if it involves Cote de Pablo, and then it's a definite HELL THE FUCK YES. :p)
23. What do you think of guys who dress in drag?
Good for them.
24. Do you think movies overemphasize the differences in society? (Sexual preferences, racial, cultural, religious identities)
I think PEOPLE overemphasize the differences in society.
25. Do you look at people in the car next to you at the stoplight?
26. Ever said a word so many times in a row that it didn't even sound like a word anymore?
Haha, yeah.
27. Was there a book series you read growing up?
Ahhh, YES! So many. The Baby-Sitters Club, Boxcar Children, Trixie Belden (though not a lot - but my grandma got me this huge box of them for Christmas one year) . . . Um, maybe that's it, actually. LOL.
28. Do you write letters on notebook paper, stationary, computer paper, other, or all?
I don't really write letters, but if I did, I'd probably write them on notebook paper or stationery.
29. Ever written a letter to someone and weren't able to give it to them because it was so personal and detailed?
Oh yeah. You know those love letters girls write to their crushes.
30. Where do your wet towels end up after your shower/bath?
I hang the big towel on the rack behind the door, and towel for my hair usually gets thrown somewhere in my room. :p
31. Ever guessed what time it was and been off by hours?
That usually only happens when I'm sleeping and wake up and think, "Oh man, it's probably like 5:30 and almost time to get up," and then it's only like 1:30. That's so nice when that happens. :) But most of the time, it really is almost time to get up and feels like I've only been sleeping for 5 minutes. Boo.
32. Do you have a subscription to anything?
Writer's Digest and Poets & Writers. I am such a writer. My new Writer's Digest just came yesterday and I have yet to really sit and read through it. It always takes so long because there's so much interesting stuff in them.
33. Do you get more friend mail, business mail, or junk mail?
A mix between friend mail and junk mail. Depends on the account. I don't get any junk mail at my one lycos account, but the other one is a mix between junk mail & fictionpress/ alerts. :p And my hotmail account is a lot of stuff from my mom & then random stuff that's not necessarily junk, but not stuff that I read, either. :p
34. Ever slept nude?
No, but I've considered it when it's been so ungodly hot.
35. Ever walked around your house nude?
No. People can see right in my house from pretty much every side, so I'm not about to wander around naked.
36. Anyone ever accidentally see you naked? Visa versa? Accidentally?
I don't know if anyone's accidentally seen ME naked, but I've seen a few of my roommates naked before. Wow.
37. Do you dental floss daily?
Unfortunately, no.
38. Do you use mouthwash or think that brushing is enough?
I just generally brush and that's about it.
39. Ever been in the middle of a sexual act and actually felt the heat between the two of you?
Wow, no.
40. Are you able to act?
I think I could if I wanted to.
41. Can you give public speeches without freaking out?
Kinda? I've given them before and done pretty well, like that awesome mass media hell presentation - I wasn't nervous at all. It just depends on subject matter & how comfortable I am with it.
42. Ever had to think extremely hard to remember what happened the day before?
LOL, yeah.
43. Which is better: music of today, music of yesterday?
Damn. Tough question. I listen to both, but overall, yesterday's music. There are too few artists these days who are making music for the sake of making music, and that makes me sad.
44. Do you drive through town, or around it?
I don't drive.
45. Ever find humor in a part of a movie that no one else does?
LOL, yes, like when I was laughing during Saw II b/c the detective's name was Eric Matthews. COME ON! Boy Meets World! Hilarious!
46. What do you spend most of your money on?
Food and random stuff I don't need from work. :p
47. What do you waste most of your money on?
Random stuff I don't need from work. :p
48. Can you like the lyrics without liking the song?
I think so. I might like lyrics to like Kate Bush songs or something (I have yet to look up some of hers, but if Tori is supposedly SO much like her, then I might like her lyrics) even though I can't stand her voice. So yeah.
49. Can you like the song without understanding the lyrics?
Haha, oh yeah. I don't know what the hell anything in Regina Spektor's French songs mean, but I love them anyway.
50. Are accents a turn on?
OMG, YES. ♥ But it really does depend on the accent. For example, I'll take a sexy Latin accent over, say, a Boston accent.
51. Do you dream more good then bad?
I just dream weird. And that's about it.
52. Can you interpret your own dreams or do you have to have someone else tell you what they think?
Oh, geez, I don't even want to know.
53. Radio or cd's?
CDs/MP3s/ :p
54. Movies or TV series?
TV series! Oh my. NCIS pwns my world. ♥
55. Ever regret saying something hurtful?
Oh, I'm sure.
56. Ever regret expressing your love?
Um, I don't know. Probably not.
57. Do you think some things should be left unsaid?
58. Do you stand up for yourself?
I say I will, but I usually just sit there and take it. :/
59. Do you stand up for others?
I'm kinda the same way with other people - my heart is there, but I'm too much of a coward to actually say something.
60. Do you know the difference between standing up for others and fighting someone else's battles?
Right. That was a random question to end on. :p
So, a few things I posted in my random rambles thread on my NFA author board last night:
Mmm, I posted the poem I wrote on the bus on the way home from work yesterday to fictionpress last night. It is amazing. I love it. Kinda different from my usual poetry style, too. Hmm.
The last song I listened to last night was "Wise Up" by Aimee Mann. It made me wanna go cry. Or watch Judging Amy. One of the two.
"Knights of Cydonia" by Muse came on and holy shit, I forgot how much that song rocks. That and "Pavlov's Daughter" by Regina Spektor. And "Hospital Beds" by Cold War Kids. And "Grow Up And Blow Away" by Metric. TOO MUCH GOOD MUSIC OUT THERE.
I really need to buy some groceries or something. :/
I am finishing eating my free General Tso's chicken from lunch today. Heck yeah.
Survivor kicked my ass last night. Yeah.
I am now the proud owner of a Green Bay Packers hoodie. Yay me. Because I love the Packers and I needed another hoodie. Hee.
And a random work-related side note: I do believe kid's line is officially mine. Whoo hoo! I've been working on it all week and I love it. Yay. :D