+ Holy shit, what a way to start the episode!
+x I have way too many NCIS ships: MCNOZZO!
+x Ziva is my soul mate: Ahahaha, Ziva is incredible! "Not as good as Gibbs, though."
(WTF? Someone just tried to CALL ME. Roar. NOT COOL. - I checked & it was Kay. At least she didn't know I was watching NCIS.)
+ LOL, Tony. Quoting movies.
+x I have way too many NCIS ships: Aww, I love the look Tony gave McGee.
+x I have way too many NCIS ships: Oh, there is McNozzo in this ep! I love it!
+ LOL, the A Team. What an awful show.
+x McGiva is becoming my NCIS OTP: Hey, @ least I'm getting semi-McGiva this week. :p
+x I have way too many NCIS ships: McGoo. ♥
+ Yay Ducky.
+ Tony, I love you.
+x McGiva is becoming my NCIS OTP: Yay McGiva! (Okay, not really, but . . .)
+x McGiva is becoming my NCIS OTP: Yay, I did get McGiva!
- Oh shit.
+ OH WOW. Ziva kicks major ass.
- Ziva is bruised! McGee & Tony are hurt!
+x I have way too many NCIS ships: HOLY ZABBY SCENE!
- But ABBY! I am honestly DISGUSTED w/ you right now! Oh, now my baby girl is bruised AND hurting! :(
+x Ziva is my soul mate: Have I mentioned I love Ziva's outfits this ep?
+ Oh, GIBBS. Interrogation LOVE.
+x McGiva is becoming my NCIS OTP: LOL, Ziva stabbing McGee's can. The McGiva love.
+ TONY! You are too funny. "My fingers are finging."
+ Sweet, Gibbs doesn't support the war. Go him.
+x I have way too many NCIS ships: McGiggle! OMGAWD. The McNozzo is RAMPANT.
+x Ziva is my soul mate: I really like Ziva's shirt.
+x McGiva is becoming my NCIS OTP: That means Ziva & McGee are left alone AGAIN. LOVE.
+x Tabby is my NCIS OTP: TABBY HUG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+x I have way too many NCIS ships: Abby apologized. Yay. I love that.
+ OMGAWD. That was an AMAZING exchange. Ziva has feelings & Tony & McGee wouldn't let her live it down.
+x Ziva is my soul mate: Ziva is wearing an OLIVE GREEN jacket. We are so soul mates.
+x I have way too many NCIS ships: McNozzo again!
- I seriously thought they were gonna make out. Ho shit.
+x Ziva is my soul mate: ZIVA KICKS FUCKING ASS!!! LOVE HER!!!
+x Ziva is my soul mate: ZIVA IS DRESSED UP! She's wearing EARRINGS! And MAKE-UP! OMGAWD, she is GORGEOUS.
Overall, ho shit, good episode for the Sherry. Loved it. :D