I'm back because there's a new NCIS. :p I know - I suck.
And before anyone goes postal on me for what I say in my notes, I've totally been converted to a total McGee fan by the McGee fanclub at NFA, who are the people I end up talking to the most, so yeah. Just a warning.
NCIS 5x13 - Dog Tags )
Comments 8
Naw, I can't hate on Abbs, she *knew* Jethro was innocent. And as a Veteran myself, those dogs truly are *members* of the US Military themselves. What that bitch Petty Office did to Jethro and the other (dead) dog was wrong. Also, that she killed the dog with a knife was awful. I'm sure she could have come up with a less painful/more humane way to do the deed. Also, how did no one notice she must have been *covered* in blood from useing a knife to kill a German Sheppard!?
So Jenny killed the Frog. Not what I was expecting...
Oh, I too liked the way they shot that questioning scene. I also liked that Ziva obviouslly felt for the guy who was trying to help the woman and her kid in Hati, Cuba....wherever the Hell it was.... ;0)
I mean, I do see it that way, too, and I absolutely get where she was going with it, but I think the way she treated McGee was WAY out of line. I didn't like that. I think it's great to stand up for someone who can't do it themself, but then the thing at the end? Well, I'm confused. Was "Jethro" the dog that attacked McGee? I know she switched the drug dog with the attack dog, but I wasn't sure if the one Abby had was the attack dog. Does that make ANY sense? LOL.
Well, knowing the previews, there's going to be a LOT more to the story than that. I'd hardly believe they'd tell us she killed him in the previews. Ya know?
Aww, yeah. Ziva's getting all soft. LOL. No, she's a softie at heart. I know that. Just like at the beginning of the episode, she was getting on Tony for calling the dog an "it." "An it? The dog is a he, and he is in pain." Something like that. She's sweet. :) *sigh* I really love Ziva.
Though I'm surprised he didn't re-attack McGee for raising his voice at Abby. Dogs (especially Sheppards) are very protective this way.
Ahhhh, thanks for clearing up the license plate. That's cute, though I totally missed it. :0)
I thought Ziva's line about the wrong bed was pretty funny, though. :D
I might need these for my review tomorrow.
LOL, me too. Though I laughed the hardest at, "I'm Jethro!" That was SO hilarious.
Feel free. :)
I haven't seen this episode just yet, but this makes me really impatient to. *grin*
It's not often that I come across fellow Ziva OR McGiva fans, so given that you're both, would you mind if I friended you? Feel free to say no of course - I realize this is rather out of the blue. ;)
I don't update a whole lot anymore, but yeah, feel free. And I write quite a lot of McGiva fic, too, so feel free to friend my fanfic journal, too, which is monica_doggett. (Though I must seriously get back to posting things there, as well.)
Buuuuuut, if you're interested in talking to me on a more regular basis, you should think about joining NCIS Fanfiction Addiction. I'm a moderator on there & so I'm constantly posting or am just online there. LOL. (Do a search for NFA Community when you go to look for it.)
Wow, that was a lot to throw at you. Sorry. LOL. It's just very exciting to find fellow McGiva fans I don't already know. Yay. *dances around*
I've actually tried registering for NFA a few times recently, but I just get this message - 'An Error Has Occurred. Sign ups are currently disabled at this forum. Only staff members can create accounts at this time.' Grr.
Lol, I know, I get very excited when I find fans of my ships too. My top three are probably Abby/Ziva, Ziva/McGee and Tony/McGee, and there are nowhere near enough fans of any of them. ;)
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