Agh, I totally failed, did not even last a week, in my daily download. :( Life happens. I've just been tired and unmotivated, though, so that's all it's been.
But I am here for NCIS notes because it is NCIS day again. Woo!
- Whoa, the phoof sounded & I was still @ my computer.
(OMGGGGGG, I want some McGiva this eppy . . .)
+x McGiva is one of my NCIS OTPs: MCGIVA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG, I HAVE DIED AND GONE TO HEAVEN ALREADY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SHE BROUGHT HIM COFFEE & KISSED HIM ON THE CHEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh, I can't even pay attention to the rest of the episode, I'm so excited.
+ Plus, the dog thing. SO CUTE!
+x I have way too many NCIS ships: LOL, Tony loves McNozzo.
+ Ahh, they're doing the dog references again.
+x Ziva is my soul mate: Oh, & Ziva looks super cute.
(I can't stop thinking a/b the fact that Ziva freaking KISSED McGee. Oh my Lord. So my OTP.)
- I don't like this chick. I dunno why.
- Ick, Vance is back.
(Is it totally sad that I don't care a/b the storyling? LOL, I shouldn't have gotten McGiva so soon. Now I've lost interest in the rest of the storyline.)
+ LOL, I love McGee's backward logic.
+x Ziva is my soul mate: ZIVA BATHROOM SCENE. ARE YOU SERIOUS.
+x Ziva is my soul mate: Ziva! I love you sooooooo much right now. You are rocking my world right now.
+x I have way too many NCIS ships: OH, FREAKING GIVA! And Ziva ruling again.
+x I have way too many NCIS ships: McNozzo! And I'm so gonna be shipping Ziva/Nikki now.
+x McGiva is one of my NCIS OTPs: Oh, McGiva get to be frustrated together. I FREAKING LOVE IT!
+x Ziva is my soul mate: "It would not be the first time someone tried to throw us up this way." Yay Zivaism!
+x McGiva is one of my NCIS OTPs: And MORE McGiva! Soooooo perfect. Sherry loves her McGiva. :D
+ Oh, Tony, you are so good at reading people.
- I do really dislike how dirty/brown they always make places like Iraq or Mexico on tv shows (I'm thinking X-Files ep "John Doe" w/ Mexico, btw).
(Go back to DC . . . *wants more McGiva* Yes, I've been spoiled. I also want Abby worrying a/b Tony.)
+ LOL, I love the idea of ppl e-mailing Gibbs.
-x I have way too many NCIS ships: Why do I want to ship McGibbs? Am I just bored? LOL.
+ Hahahahahahaha, oh man. That was PERFECT. The Tiva fans were freaking out, I'll bet ya. Ha.
+x Tabby is one of my NCIS OTPs: Abby missed Tony!!!!!!!!
+ Haha, Abby rambling.
+x Ziva is my soul mate: Haha, Ziva's trying to be all coy & sexy. (Don't be jealous, though, bb. You have McGee. Play w/ him.)
+ LOL, McGee stole Tony's mug.
+x Ziva is my soul mate: Ooh, I can see down Ziva's shirt . . . (And I would so wear that shirt, too . . .)
+x I have way too many NCIS ships: Man, I really want to ship McGibbs now . . . LOL, I'm so weird.
+ I know I shouldn't find this guy funny, but I love how sarcastic he is.
+ LOL, "He seems to know your mother very intimately." Oh, Nikki. So innocent.
+ Ooh, I like that phoof. I think. It's interesting @ least. Makes me think.
+ YES, movie reference!
- I'm so worried a/b Tony right now. *bites fingernails*
- FUCK. FUCK. FUCK. SHIT. I just have this AWFUL feeling right now. My mind is screaming BOMB, for some reason.
- This screams stupid to me. I'm very worried.
+x I have way too many NCIS ships: No, seriously, McGibbs. LOL.
+ I kinda thought that might be the ppl.
(LOL, I thought that was a Meat Loaf CD. Bat Out of Hell, specifically.)
- Well, that was an anti-climactic ending.
+x McGiva is one of my NCIS OTPs: But OMFG, the McGiva made this ep for me.