Thanks. All the important stuff -records, CDs, books, musical instruments- seems intact, give or take the occasional trashed box-set. And yet they took my coffee jar -almost full, admittedly, and a large jar of Gold Blend is almost a fiver. But a coffee jar ?
Wierd, yes. But still upsetting, still a pain in the nether regions, but obviously it's good to acknowledge it could have been so much worse. Sorry to hear it happened at all.
We'll hve a whip-round and buy you some more coffee. Fair trade OK? ;-)
Compared to some of the dreadful things that have happened in LiveJournal land this week, getting burgled is pretty small potatoes. it certainly could have been so much worse. Do keep me across andypop's situation.
I, a woman who's at loggerheads with her inability to drop into England to catch a La's reunion gig, was very happy to read that entry. So thank you. I'm curious to know other things. Did they appear at all nervous? (Because I bet they were as anxious as hell before they went on.) Were they straight of mind, or under the influence/s? Were they as brilliant as I imagine, or brillianter?
Their talent was always in both - you nailed it: their songwriting and their tightness. That confidence too. You couldn't bottle and sell it if you tried.
I'm glad you enjoyed it so much! I was there in spirit.
Call me a wide-eyed innocent, but I find it difficult to spot when people -performers in particular- are under the influence. I assume they were. As for their brilliance: well... they *weren't* brilliant. They "oozed ramshackle charm". Which is, in its way, a brilliance of a kind.
Comments 8
We'll hve a whip-round and buy you some more coffee. Fair trade OK? ;-)
Sorry about Nescafe...
Their talent was always in both - you nailed it: their songwriting and their tightness. That confidence too. You couldn't bottle and sell it if you tried.
I'm glad you enjoyed it so much! I was there in spirit.
Your spirit was felt in the room.
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